Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Mount & Blade How To Increase Communication Today more than yesterday but ...

This Sunday, Day 2, there is a warhammer 40k championship in Belda, Málaga. There is a complication of late, but I hope we can go. The little problem is that we Coxe = no, but hey, there qe have faith in our God, the Emperor.

With the help of Lola, or rather, with a little of my help we made a banner, I use Forum terrasomnia that WHR is 40k. Hope you like it, because my own:

Another little thing I'd like to show. To see what you think. It gives me an idea. Still do not know how to handle Photoshop, I would have some black and white, with flashes, another color, but as if it were dark and stuff. Well, time to time. Finally, I leave aki, e

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Metal Core Scooter America

only put 3 images, because yesterday I started using photoshop and all these things and I'm tired, so in a couple of days I'll upload a few more. Pk reduce images, put some bullshit, upload ... Esty I used ...
Well, I leave aki montage video link:

Without Juanma this video would not have been possible.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Heart Pains More Condition_symptoms Pokito a little ...

Well, vy to stop a moment and write v to make a glass of milk, chocolate milk, which has sold pleases me right now. Tick tock, tick ... and I have taken!

So as you said the post title, little by little, vy to go up a few things that I have thought, but as some know what I'll gain is going to laugh, eh Juan? jejejejejeje ...

We have taken the habit, some friends and I go every year at least once or a secluded Alpujarra. The things we do not know anyone there ... at least for now ... Circulates around a video montage of Alpujarra 2005, this was the first, because in the past we had no means things of life ... Finally, we will gradually discover things of this, handful of ... pers
Well, I think nothing else, I vy to see Goku on Cartoon Network. And thanks Lola for the first comment! Ah, just one more thing that has me pass a friend, David, is a ruin it will take for warhammer, and I have gustao, and Kier, kerido I always have such a ruin. Tb told me that going to get a chapel, and who knows what stories imeperiales buildings, very interesting. Bueno, aki photo:

Eskin is four, ie the whole block.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Side Pain Causes More Condition_symptoms By the Imperial Guard ...

Well, I've decided to have a room for my crap pekeño and stuff. What else is going to be plentiful Warhammer 40k, and silly of me and my friends.
Anyway, I'm not the kind of people who likes to write and write, I Short and material things, hehehehe ... After these nonsense, only to leave you some photos I got today from my Imperial Guard. I've only done photos 3 little things, little by little I will upload more. Aki see a picture of my infantaria processed:

For the first we see infantaria Mechanized unit entrust Detachment Emperor's Wrath. " The truth is that I can not have any complaint on their part, do their trC

To make this already on the table, just say a few things:
My Detachment, belongs to the 3rd Company of the 8th Special Operations Regimineto. The OE is made up of all those soldiers who have proved worthy of all praise possible. Soon I will put the background
Detachment and more images, as well as brood cualkier I can think of.