Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Skoal Causing Diabetes

Lifetime's Not Enough, I had to choose a Turkish name because my teacher told me it would be better if speaking of a person in a classroom knows Ferzan conoce.Alguien Here?

Sorry for not having visited the journal, what happened is that I could not find the time to conectarme.Siempro I still want to talk to you, without time to do so.

And of course, before I go again I congratulate the parties:) that you all a happy new year:)

thousand kisses to all

Hello everyone!

My god, it's been so long Since I visited the journal.Today 's another day, thanks to God.I Had to change my TOEFL class wasn't doing me Because It Any Good, I'm telling you, paying m

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Vitimin D And The Bladder carolruga thanks!

English and I have to use the google translator, but better not to read them.
well, let's give the veneer that I think I've done enough.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Numbness In Leg More Condition_symptoms

st of all,thanks to everyone who replied and added me as friend.You all rock^^

Well,i need a little help.I'm going to do my oral presentation in my spanish class and my subject is \

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wedding Letter Sample

Hello everyone (if anyone is reading this), do not know if I will write here because well, I have no friends in livejournal hacer.Vale even know, just did everything because I love watching the blog of my dear friend Busem! I'll see ...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

1855 New York State Census Watertown

> _> seee ... is the first time you use paint and drawing stinks and ugly and has no clean line and does not use shadow .. yy @ @ Xx

Pretty Good Solitaire BLAH!

the volume of your voice to speak causes you feel so nosequé by nosedonde 8D ~ ~ ~ too! always have "jokes" in the class, not a clown, but he says funny things like, "You know they are talking about that very soon lso water levels rise and many will be conditioned to live in higher areas , say 3000 m, now imagúinense be in such time as this place! live at the seashore, it is not uncommon to see the school flooded and folders newton floating around here and perhaps they a coordinator over there ... " Hahaha XDD

Agh! in the Death Note club has started (but do not know if I'll finish or that is D:) a karaoke contest. _. and because I wanted to participate \u0026lt;33333333 ~ with the firstmer ending "Alumina" but I will not xx since I have no microphone, and I know they will say "There is mensa (this word can vary) can not ask one to Laguian borrow?!" worst NOOO! > \u0026lt;Not that! is ... > _> I have no sound card * le sde fall tomatoes * and I lost the driver * will * throw chairs and can not find the driver on the web XD ohohoh, bah, never mind, and someone will come to help me with So this week and if the contest is still standing because it will come = D or who knows> _> XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

lalalalalala ~ Today in Business Management class almost but die of boredom! resist! as ¿? xxy drawing for the video of Yui remembered that, for the song "Tokyo">: 333333 ~ and assume thatinsipiré me that, and even drew a woman on a train, the more satisfied she was in a house> _ \u0026lt;... I leave it there ...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Electric Sensation Mary

r work> __> Uuu

wish I could upload an abstract drawing that I, x, but the media is not present-w-s kinda weird XD is supposed to look like a sexy guy with a sexy profile earring> D and a mysterious hand on it as "attacking" but he has an evil smile and sexy> D osea XD who knows who will or not? . __.Uuu

Neh, it may then-w-Bai -----

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ai Kurosawaplanetsuzy

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Chardonnay Charter Coupons

This is a getaway just to leave an aberration
veery fast in a car made


The second problem was the scanner ... ¬ ¬ not work and I had to take a picture xDUuu

Friday, January 12, 2007

What Kind Hair Does Myamme Waaaaaa 8D ~ ~ ~ ~

This post is being delivered in a moment of leisure-despair that I picked to go to the beach = D


YaY! I'm going to the beach ;____; And do not think I am a living desquisiada locked in her house \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;but I'm not whoooole year [and a half last year] have not been to the beach = 'W, but today is the day wuahahaha

ma part is that I made a cow - "Uuuu therefore I resign myself to use this weird thing [I do not remember e name] looks like a bikini but the part of above is a policy \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;... The worst thing is sure there will be a million anorexics and bulimics on the beach with its threads u_____ú

Since I have something better to post itleave well .... I hate to post useless [the usual]: 33 ~ ~ but is uncontrollable, D ~

Monday, January 8, 2007

Intitle I-catcher Console - Monitor I hate people gilera \u0026lt;.

Today we reported on the project cycle in u__ú ICPNA They formed us into groups of 5 people from which to remember their names and just maybe sex. then end in a feminist group 8D ~ ~ five women against the world
Today should be inspired to lose weight or something, because he wants the project is based on exercises and diets. I ordered with Nip / tuck: D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In the bus back I met Miss Barbarita * u * Oh pretty woman * perv mode on

Comenzamso talking about as being in progress in NCPIa psychologist.

I understand why it is that bothers both Miss Barbarita u__ú woman has the biggest ass I've ever seen O_O. What I did not notice before?! perhaps did not have the Perv Mode on, but now it; D ~

again today trying to download videos to iPod OH great ... I do not expect positive results, but not those of Laruku ownload ogre die, that or I'll call him Xixo to me the descrague \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Carol Burnett Helen Reddy Angie Baby

"ia nu ud ztar xocolatz zuz" OOO; io tmb will miss much ninya


~~~~~~~ I started to wonder about the time change in the ICPNA \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;In Saturday's had to Andreita * u * but now I have none other than Joseph, who did not even is in my same cycle ... Which also influences is that the new teacher sucks. I do not think that passes about 20 years and it has that nosequé ~ that makes you gansd and go to the room at that very second.

that remains is to get used UOU

Aieres Mili went to the movies with \u0026lt;33 ~ All very well in the movie, except the final. No exaggeration to say that it seemed that it was so near