Daisies HTMLXC
unusual red-heads with German techno
heights. I Do not Understand You But I appreciate how happy you CAN make your language sound. Paisley
anything I adore you Plaid Mardi gras masks bird Spinny stripper poles for Children.
Davey's cold. Ask to see it.
Barcelona Yellow
All of spain
Pirate Hats
Giant Feathers
Pixie Stix
Rita's awesome-ness in general
flowers That Have the Same texture as paper
people Forgetting They Already Told You Something So They tell you again
Kanye West Jokes
Jonny I do not get
Hobo and the Freight Trains
Half Price Day at the Salvation army
and last but not least ... Comments and conversation. Hint hint.
ps. try and combine on Things That list and tell me how it works out. I'm interested.