Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Digital Foto Club Promo Christmas list!

Here is the entry that all of you (not) been waiting for: the letter to Santa Claus to Lynethe!

Make a list of 15 Christmas wishes you have. The list of 15 wishes can contain both material things, like postcards, or fanworks several (fanfics, icons, graphics, fan art, fanvids ... whatever). @ Every one that suits your preferences.

I have no inspiration, Siriusly, and as I was not thinking at all and I'm going to get out of the hat everything you ask, surely I repent tomorrow and want to add things. OS:

- Lynethe Christmas List, the most ambiguous and wide as possible and you fulfill their desire to be filled with gifts:

1. has paid. I ask this every year just in case, that hope is never lost little icons xD love and many wonderful features but I dare not buy for myself.

2. Books . Another classic: a book used or new, modern or old, that you liked a lot or that mean something to you. Give me having it in hand, but also accept e-books of some "must read" you want to recommend a book J If "physical", a dedication on the first pages would be nice, saying why you like the book, why I like to me, happy Christmas to all, peace for the world, yadda yadda yadda, and you know the thing.

3. GREEN DAY TICKETS ON FRIDAY. COriginal D of either Christopher Nolan films because I love ALL and I just decided that I should take them to worship (?). Anyway. frikadas I would also like some of the movie, I dunno, something imaginative. AND AH, like to say: I am doing casting (?) In search of a totem. If you see something cute and tiny and could represent me, I love that you showed me. I do not need to buy it, sugerírmelo (y, d if possible, tell me where to get it xD) enough.
As for fic, as most of my f-list called Arthur / Eames and a couple asked Cobb / Ariadne, I ask Ariadne / Arthur because I'm heavy and re re fucked. Otherwise, a pre-movie fic where Arhur (which just met Cobb) have a conversation with Mal (and still alive butez, and now that the movies are finished and OMG TOO MUCH PAIN & CONFUSION, I'm really all that back to the roots. So, anything of Them, but preferably a scene at Hogwarts or something immediately post war. I'm not a big fan fics "big happy family 20 19 years in the future", and short scenes of reflections / thoughts are millions, so, a scene of ... "scene" xD That something will happen / has dialogue / whatever . But I'm still having the bug of Ron / McLaggen from the previous movie, or else some of the marauders, or something of Harry's childhood Pre-PS (There is very little of this and I love it), or a scene trio at the camp (some bastardized DH if any, but for me it has potential) or anything of Neville J
8. Fic
Dark Materials. Anything this fandom, Siriusly.
9. Ok, now comes the expensive gift

to get even half impossible because I have a lot of faith (?), Aka, expensive books: any in Song of Ice and Fire , but not with the paperback edition MiniMini letter, but of normal size,

Dome of Stephen King or any of HP
10. Sherlock BBC. LOVE this fandom with the force of a thousand suns, although he has not squee both in this LJ. Sherlock / Watson are something like a SUPER Otep, so ESO. I would not like fics where they are matched with someone else (unless the final end up together and shit). I also would love to read about the young Sherlock, how was his life before becoming a detective known, perhaps some experience "human" as your first kiss ... I do not know. Something.

11. Merlin.
Arthur / Merlin, Merlin / Morgana
, Uther / Morgana, Morgause / Uther, Merlin / Gwaine, Arthur / Lancelot ... just go crazy!
12. a doll or stuffed animal thingy
or fandom. Someone as cute as those posting
in your list would
OSOM, but fandom but any little thing they get. 13. Anything you want me to send for

mail, letter, postcard, cartoon, whatever. I am thrilled to receive a letter, and this year and asked some of you. their addresses to give back ^ ^ If someone is interested send him my address by PM. 14. rings, necklaces, nail color = bizarre things I can and I can not help buying them wherever they go. Also, things

library 15. Surprise, surprise ^ ^ Lol, I think I sailed a bit with the orders (seriously, there is a race that is to ask for things? Professional beggar? I could live on it), I leave this point you think that my orders are crazy ... crazy and wants to give me something else. You know what I like, soooo[info] I ask that you please leave me links to their lists, because I'm very forgetful lately and has not tripped me so I probably have forgotten Olympic memorize it * facepalm * sooo, Prity please?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sierra Design Nomad 5


(I put these two because they are more new images that show. If you want to see the rest: here have )

So. Tell me. This is going to be BIG or will be BIG ?

Did you see what i just saw, people?

Moody. Twins. The seven Harrys. DAN RADCLIFFE IN A BRA . Hagrid's motorcycle. The wedding, dance, Dobby. The scene Harmonia mandatory. Ron leaves nothing but the same is handsome. The kiss of zero chemistry with Fred (or George) facing WTF? and Fleur and Bill and Everything That is fucking awesome.

simply not I can believe that I miss so little for the premiere. I s

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pelvic Pain More Condition_symptoms

Lynethe here, reporting from his death bed of angina. Pretty nasty thing, i tell you.
I'm pretty good now, and a half days after taking the pill giant nasty pointy and totally NOT designed to pass through a throat plate (seriusly, dudes, the lab people never get sick and you realize these things? ) but I will not deny that I'm a bit groggy and semi-solid diets are definitely not made for me. He had a couple of tests at school this week I'm going to have to lose (although it is well for Friday, I doubt find the will to get to study accounting) and recall alone is always pretty stressful, but, hey, let appreciate the simple pleasures of vida, such as having an old lady but awesome notebook from which to write this and, most importantly, catch up with the series!

- Feedback Lynethe series from his convalescence. (This newspaper is not responsible for any ibuprofen-induced delirium and reserves the right to later deny any of his statements, arguing that it was because of a witch )

- Glee
Dude, so many things. Glee was one of the most awaited premieres this season, but although he tried to worship the new chapters ... like I did not quite feel that the season had begun.Only in the 2x04 I can say that I enjoyed (almost) everything.
summarize: In Audition I liked the new characters, and there were many such bizarre that I always loved Glee ("Everyone thought I went on vacation, but really I was lost in the sewers" Brittany, great! Idol !), but was pretty ... bleh. I had not really felt the impact first of the season should have, nothing caught my attention too. Rachel hated not like all the fandom seems to have done (to send Sunshine to the crack house, like it or not, was something quite in-character for Rachel, and those hijadeputadas are what I always liked the character XD) , but I had a general feeling that the whole evolutiontion of the characters from last season had been totally ruled out.
Brittany / Britney epic had its moments. I was so Woweada like all of Heather Morris (in addition to that, Siriusly, Brittany is still my favorite character this season) and for me the episode was that thing of "nostalgia effect" because I was one of those little girls of nine years dancing The Core of Britney in front of the TV and had TOO cds. And I wanted to be a singer, too, so I felt a little boys identified with Glee when talking about his childhood "Britneyzada"
(Btw, for those that know me and are now lying on the floor rolling with laughter to imagine two trenzitas and singing: STOP)LXC
all that fabric seemed very nice. But I always saw him, "dude, chill out, Finn does not have all the blame!" At least I know that if one day inadvertently came to my room and I found that someone voladitos filled, it would be very nice with that person, and that without taking into account the previous stalkeos Kurt already had quite nervous. That you were angry, and although I had not had the happiest choice of words, I was perfectly normal, and I always thought the way they treated had been greatly exaggerated. So I loved that Burt would have thought so and let you clear to Kurt that their attitudes had also been part of the problem, always being gentle and kindSupportive it is.
- The Kiss Brittanica! already beginning to think that this had been another spoilerosos rumors that they would not be fulfilled, and it was super to see the whole situation hilarious xD
- Sam being a dork and being good. Siriusly, I was quite surprised with what I saw in the pretty-Obvious! Shirtless! Fanservice! Apparel scene. I liked the "couple" they finally decided to put that out of all the people that could match it seemed the best option ... bleh. - The incredible voice of Mike Chang! Siriusly, how many awesome. I'm so glad you have decided to give more importance to this kid. -
Artie / Brittany. WTF? I know, unexpectedbecause last season I was always like this ... very cute and no. Just no.

-How I Met Your Mother:
- The 6x04 seemed the weakest, certainly, but I do not go into a tailspin this season as I read that the fandom was saying there. I do not know if it at this point is for the love I have for the characters, but all I see in this series still seems super fun and innovative, and I think 6 seasons later he is still very true to herself and her original idea . Also, approve of you are giving hints that the Barney / Robin coming back. I approve greatly.

- Merlin:
CHT MLXC OMG! The series has plot! Effects! Quote! The monsters do not look as if he had done in my Paint! Morgana has a scepter!
Muy.Fuerte.Todo. And the 2x05? CAMELOT MDGs soap opera !!!!! 1! The worst? Even after Uther drop the Bom-Bom-baaa, the Uther / Morgana and Arthur / Morgana are still as Canon. Why I do this, writers of Merlin? I had never shipped incest. EVER! Damn you, writers of Merlin, damn you. luckily, teh teh boys are still boys, shippeables more than ever \u0026lt;3
(And yes, in case you were wondering, I endorse much of what little screen time lately Gwen. Siriusly what makes this girl so that each male enters Camelot is set in it?It's not worth answering for his kindness and charming personality. Ssundaymorning has already proven that the world does not work.)
- Hellcats:

New acquisition sponsored by all of my time in bed. I started to see more of it without knowing that it was about cheerleaders, just because I was told that Gale Harold out sometime.
livianita super series is quite silly, but entertaining. At times it is a kind of Glee but dance / choreography, and is embedded in between these melodrama that are required in the series of universities, though thankfully never reach exaggerated levels to "The Best Years" (which nobody asked me why (?).

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hiv Condition_symptoms She was not dead, was parrandaaaaaaa (8)

Ngun of their journals, I read everything I have been writing ... ALL. They can not hide anything from me, fandom (?).

But finally, after a KDD with pears


from which I could barely sleep two hours choppy (self WTF?), I really do not give my brain more than to make my as delayed entry back to LJ. So. .. Hi. Here's a picture of a cat with broken leg historical.

Sad huh? [info] I will come back (when you have settled down a bit more) to talk a little about what my life was in these weeks and discuss some of those shows that our life has become thanks to Merlin. For now, I leave you with a ped