- The Bill Nighy
talking about dark times, ministry, camera flashes and the aesthetics of the Prophet which I loved in OotP.
Three short scenes: First, Hermione, alone in his room, grieving for what is about to do. The voice is broken when her mother called and before making Obliviate
doubt a second to see them as quiet a program commenting on Australia (first subtle nod only fans of the books, which I love because I'm selfish as
hell). Fifteen seconds of pelicle and I was already moist eyes when Hermione begins to blur the photos, because few things in this film sensitized me as family relationships (also: the fic reminded me of
phoenixgfawkes ). Then Harry, watching from his window at the Dursleys leave and leave the house. Expected to do something more with this scene, but I'm not complaining. the end, Ron, putting faces of melancholy in front of a house that took me a minute to realize that was not the house of the burrow but ALL the burrow, destroyed after the scene of random BPH: I hate movie
immediately obvious that this is (even now) the film more faithful to the original book, and it has a lot to do with the fact of having 2 extra hours to do everything and anything to do with the monumental CAGAZO should have everyone concerned that the fans did not like the last movie of HP OMG! We all know what ... expressive we can be the fans with our feelings;)
But anyway, everything seemed great. Things appeared in the fifth (for me, one of the best movies of HP) that once I loved, as a novel way to advance the plot. In the case of OotP were articles of the prophet, and this was the radio was turned on 24 / 7 at the camp of doom and that at least I got so nervous as to Harry at times.
I love that in the assembly of Ron jealous / angry / emo background put the program reading the names of those missing in war. One of the things I was scared at DH (especially taking into account Kloves, aparently rum-hater and Harmonia number one, more on That later) was that in the part where Ron would not explain good reasons, and quEdara simply as a bipolar one day because he hates all ear itches because the next returns. I think that way was very clear that yes, Ron was being an idiot and watching Harry / Hermione where "no" had, but that simply was the straw that broke the camel and had important things
passing. And it was pritty ♥, I loved the use that gave the radio.
DOBBY'S DEATH! OMG! I think it was one of the most AWESOME that achieved an animated doll of a character who never wanted to start was both one of the most exciting scenes of the film. They did well to introduce it before with Kreacher (so LOL xD) because then you started with ....:(, Awww, then his shovelErman. SO AWESOME. SOOOO AWESOME. AWESOME AWESOME SAUCE WITH AN AWESOME AND CHERRY ON TOP. REALLY! As creepys and so stylized and so ashdgaueauear detallecitos; sdusrd. Awesome.
- The pairings
* Harry / Ginny:
"I go up close?" Oooook ... NO. Let's see, H / G is not my OTP, much less. Nor do I dislike. Always considered a bit bleh. But in the movies happen to be bleh to be more a "Uhm ... what?" All (and I mean ALL) the possible tension between them is not, and the only time they have contact in the whole movie is redeemable only by the appearance of George. I mean, I do not care much personally, but since Harry the hero of the movie, would not want to give it a little over pantBeyond his only romantic interest? That.
* Tonks / Remus:
"By the way, my husband and I have a story ..."
Uhhm ... what? Bone. Exactly 8 seconds of screen time. 8. With nothing previously told. Only two random characters are suddenly saying married and have a news * facepalm * I mean, a lot of joy that will not pass the "moment Mexican telenovela" Remus, I would like super hung and anti-climatic but ... Uhm? I mean, obviously the R / T is just to put Teddy on the scene but ... is so necessary? That.
* Harry / Hermione:
"As much as I like your perfume, please do not use it next time" OHHH MARI
ALL Kloves Dementors, who spent THAT GOOD IN THIS MOVIE! No,but seriously, do not bother me. I laughed a lot in some scenes, imagining the scribes Kloves happiness of the moment (I think I'll write an RPS of this, in my mind is super hilarious), but did not seem out of place, especially since DH did have several when harmony. The dance seemed super sweet, really, did not see it as a scene "romantic" and that moment of happiness in all the shit that was the part I liked (although I had a draft fic RHR is much like that now as plagiarism xDDD) Now, kiss the shrine? A little porn xD but for me that was a plus, eh! It made sense with what Ron might have been imagining. I love it when HP has those "little chaste" ^ ^
* Ron / Hermione: "siemperre'm angry with him "
I know that my shipper heart is not partial, but had sooooo moments ♥ From all canonical (left" tone surprise!) to no (The pianito time!), all were brilliant. Now I do not remember all the things I wanted to say about (someone take me to see this movie again, dammit!), but just know I (nor Hermione, which have delayed it * points to icon *) I can not wait for the next movie for the KISS. I will squee in the middle of the film, KDD plan, I know.
Also: "Follow him talking about the light ball flies into your heart, and you will pass" JEEEEEEEEE.
CHin the book was TERRIBLE OMG was little). Failure to tell the story of Ariana and blah blah, so maybe we see it there ... - In the same tone of the previous point, Gellert standing in the lighted window and sang "
- More Ron. Because Ron always need more.

suggest that the photo of the marauders was there. We could have taken a picture of four