Friday, December 29, 2006

Pilar Cyst More Condition_symptoms ...

And There Are Those pretty little moments That We Do not Want to Lose, But They Are life in this part of That vicious circle of lies. Just the tears of sadness. Just a smile to the wind.


Yes, today I, I, and I'll be depressed. It's not right what I'm doing to a person. I know the thing in a relationship is two, and I feel bad about it because they are no longer two but one and I am no longer own. I want to end it all because I know that at times he is very happy and think that I'm happy, but it is not true and it is my duty to let them know. I do not like to hurt people, that is why I stop and let time pass. I must be brave for once in my life. Not all things are at slightlyra and I learn so ..

The worst thing is that there is a middle person. And things always have a reason, and in my case, why not a little, but, a somebody.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Bone Pain More Condition_symptoms Joint Pains Merry Christmas <33~

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome More Condition_symptoms Ipod o_o

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bonotril Online Pharmacy I'm just going to play ninya {} ~

Omg! that are lso ninya beios choir * u * may be my destiny to be in that choir singing every last together see, or maybe not so o_o nor is my destiny to be hetero D: ~
Today I almost burst buds of the fingers in the trial; OOO, 3 hours straight! The teacher is a fucking sadist o_O if you pop the yem Algueña sa may do so on their erotic suenyos {x} every Friday night, but not me; x; not know that my fingers have your finger sits feelings * = D *

YaY! Diego wants to be your partner in promotion = O OMG! as not cone \u0026lt;ZCO anyone in your living room? I will do? I can not be attached to Paula all night {and part of the morning, if you want}
Today we ate tacaMily and Gerald cho \u0026lt;33 ~ Too bad that lady d ela ezquina not with in Moyobamba, OOO, I felt that something more than flat jerky xD If not, the taste that you never know where it goes but it has SBEs D ': {}


Monday, December 18, 2006

Rotronic Logistics 12.02.1086 Driver

Aha! Cesia ~ your so would you your hij @? Perhaps, but most say no, except Monica. Dhioz! and hows it going to happen is name? I'm not interested in the descent, the country or tribe that is but I feel bad if my dad would put that name at least o_o demadaría

3 days ago I went on vacation, do not feel pewro -3 - will the damn weather and that damn reporter who tells you the sun will rte of agia at 12:00 am and never does! NEVER! For now I am only devoted to sleep and eat because I have not really feel like anything. I had planned to recover all that lost sleep during school days 8D ~

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Szkoła Rodzenia łódź and now>> Mello ~

so study time inevitble O__O but it's something that touches this oredenador, x, the vice over my wuahahaha ~

Lately I'm thinking that I'm tired of the year. If it sounds abnormal
's because it is xDUu Everyday I have to sleep to at least 5 hours in the afternoon tot
And I have less time to study! And I can not study or inthe table, because I fall right there yay! I stick up eyelids D: ~

Well now I have no more time so I leave a picture of Mello I = 'D fanart is one that looks at least something to the original \u0026lt;33 ~

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Shoremaster Canopy 27x120 Used Near ~ * u *


could say I'm a bit ... hmm afraid not, say I'm a little unsure about the tests tomorrow ewww! I can not believe they were mixing occurred Physics, Chemistry and Verbal Reasoning
¬ ¬ There's really no problem with RV but chemistry and physics \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;
emuy be reason to consider seriously. __. why should have suspected Wife and I stayed only single courses giving exams, but NO ~ Miss single jump for joy as he thought otherwise.

I brought another drawing yay! is Near * u * Omaigad did xDUu muuuuuuuuuuxio ago, as I said, soe very good but I liked Muxi, OO; neverbia drawn Dhioz Near as I like this ninya is so delicate, fragile and ligerita Weh ~ here is

Monday, December 11, 2006

Louis Wain Cricket Catastrophe

Friday, December 1, 2006

Pain In Arm More Condition_symptoms

SSHE began classes today choir and everything turned pink. You know how LEND is listening to 31 ninya under 8 years singing Christmas carols in English ? Sure, but this is the day to have what I want when I want and as I want = D ~
There was something curious, since I attended that class for the most natural thing to do in the choir at your school and it is that I am now rather official guitarist of the choir, ; as Richad Yeah!
dhioz than envy Oh I have for this guy; As he plays guitar! Tambipen I want to play well, x, I love the feeling that puts you, maybe in a few months so comes into contact with, but if not then continue to delight and repenting have stopped guitar lessons with his songs: D

long ago} {only 1 month I'm trying to earn some doggie keyring blessed you are given one of the all-powerful OH promotions Lay's but the worst thing in to be promotions are swaps ... I've never won a single filth D: never! I've never played this magnificent special sticker that has the poder to make you feel in your hands a keyring bit as beautiful as heaven. Too bad you have to keep waiting. _.

It was all for now Cya

. ~

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Arthrosis More Condition_symptoms Today I feel useless ~

Dhioz q bad day, not really, but it was close to being a really bad and all comieza that was not a good idea to stop sleeping for 4 long days to see every episode followed simpsons followed D:

following review was that damn Economy ... is not that China has been torture but was not so pleasant surprise to start the day = D especially when you have in mind 2 exhibitions condom and the "Water War"-o "Then I

OH the practices expected in the escort LAWLER! I think these are beginning to create effects adve

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Francisco I Just Wanna Live Again Had to say ...

To begin, I would say that s and a dragon ball fan. Since I started seeing pekeño until finally it's over. Some time ago I caught by chance all the chapters of Goku on DVD, and Dragon Ball GT tb, pk aunk's the obvious is a big shit.

I would like to focus only on Namek, and particularly in the fight of Goku and Freezer. Pk after seeing it so many times, I realized that the greatest moment of goku, the time of consecration as the best fighter in the universe was against Freezer Cambat, which emerged victorious.

Before had faced the Red Ribbon Army, a piccolo father and son, Radix, Vegeta, and more ... Freezer up to a being from another planet a race different ... a battle of equals.

I personally like it is mounted Namek history, but the best is the final battle. Aunk admit, that pekeño when first saw combat, and said "5 minutes left to go off the planet ...". My ass! But now seen from the veteran, is seen to be a masterpiece. That one on one, alone on the planet, which was falling apart, a death match, jajajajaja ... Super.

Then she came Freezer depues of androids, cell, boo. Nothing, boobs, aunk acknowledge that they are very good. But these things were rare and were not living beings created from Mom and Dad, but they were magical creatures laboratory or perfected beings. Freezer, as I

Thursday, April 13, 2006

What Is Hiv More Condition_symptoms No time ...

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

St Paul, Albertaflying Saucermeters Wide

Well, I'll be brief pk I have not much body to write, I'm knackered ... Championship so we'll talk later, but just say that I did well, aunk could always do better, hehehehe ... and I got a blister!! There are some who hope to write a treatise on the Victoria, but as they extend kiero me a lot, and I'll do it later, lol ... Today

HOUSE finished a pity, but will ... In short, we have another video-fitting, comply with, very good. You could say it is a kind of opening, but still do not know why, but it has been luxury. Bobobo The music is so leave the link aki:

And on this day perfect. I lor have had a great Looooo ...!!!!!

Ah, other stuff. I will put some pictures this week that there poooooocas, the championship. And I hope you enjoy the video, jejejeje ...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Mount & Blade How To Increase Communication Today more than yesterday but ...

This Sunday, Day 2, there is a warhammer 40k championship in Belda, Málaga. There is a complication of late, but I hope we can go. The little problem is that we Coxe = no, but hey, there qe have faith in our God, the Emperor.

With the help of Lola, or rather, with a little of my help we made a banner, I use Forum terrasomnia that WHR is 40k. Hope you like it, because my own:

Another little thing I'd like to show. To see what you think. It gives me an idea. Still do not know how to handle Photoshop, I would have some black and white, with flashes, another color, but as if it were dark and stuff. Well, time to time. Finally, I leave aki, e

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Metal Core Scooter America

only put 3 images, because yesterday I started using photoshop and all these things and I'm tired, so in a couple of days I'll upload a few more. Pk reduce images, put some bullshit, upload ... Esty I used ...
Well, I leave aki montage video link:

Without Juanma this video would not have been possible.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Heart Pains More Condition_symptoms Pokito a little ...

Well, vy to stop a moment and write v to make a glass of milk, chocolate milk, which has sold pleases me right now. Tick tock, tick ... and I have taken!

So as you said the post title, little by little, vy to go up a few things that I have thought, but as some know what I'll gain is going to laugh, eh Juan? jejejejejeje ...

We have taken the habit, some friends and I go every year at least once or a secluded Alpujarra. The things we do not know anyone there ... at least for now ... Circulates around a video montage of Alpujarra 2005, this was the first, because in the past we had no means things of life ... Finally, we will gradually discover things of this, handful of ... pers
Well, I think nothing else, I vy to see Goku on Cartoon Network. And thanks Lola for the first comment! Ah, just one more thing that has me pass a friend, David, is a ruin it will take for warhammer, and I have gustao, and Kier, kerido I always have such a ruin. Tb told me that going to get a chapel, and who knows what stories imeperiales buildings, very interesting. Bueno, aki photo:

Eskin is four, ie the whole block.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Side Pain Causes More Condition_symptoms By the Imperial Guard ...

Well, I've decided to have a room for my crap pekeño and stuff. What else is going to be plentiful Warhammer 40k, and silly of me and my friends.
Anyway, I'm not the kind of people who likes to write and write, I Short and material things, hehehehe ... After these nonsense, only to leave you some photos I got today from my Imperial Guard. I've only done photos 3 little things, little by little I will upload more. Aki see a picture of my infantaria processed:

For the first we see infantaria Mechanized unit entrust Detachment Emperor's Wrath. " The truth is that I can not have any complaint on their part, do their trC

To make this already on the table, just say a few things:
My Detachment, belongs to the 3rd Company of the 8th Special Operations Regimineto. The OE is made up of all those soldiers who have proved worthy of all praise possible. Soon I will put the background
Detachment and more images, as well as brood cualkier I can think of.