Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bonotril Online Pharmacy I'm just going to play ninya {} ~

Omg! that are lso ninya beios choir * u * may be my destiny to be in that choir singing every last together see, or maybe not so o_o nor is my destiny to be hetero D: ~
Today I almost burst buds of the fingers in the trial; OOO, 3 hours straight! The teacher is a fucking sadist o_O if you pop the yem Algueña sa may do so on their erotic suenyos {x} every Friday night, but not me; x; not know that my fingers have your finger sits feelings * = D *

YaY! Diego wants to be your partner in promotion = O OMG! as not cone \u0026lt;ZCO anyone in your living room? I will do? I can not be attached to Paula all night {and part of the morning, if you want}
Today we ate tacaMily and Gerald cho \u0026lt;33 ~ Too bad that lady d ela ezquina not with in Moyobamba, OOO, I felt that something more than flat jerky xD If not, the taste that you never know where it goes but it has SBEs D ': {}



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