Friday, December 29, 2006
Pilar Cyst More Condition_symptoms ...
Yes, today I, I, and I'll be depressed. It's not right what I'm doing to a person. I know the thing in a relationship is two, and I feel bad about it because they are no longer two but one and I am no longer own. I want to end it all because I know that at times he is very happy and think that I'm happy, but it is not true and it is my duty to let them know. I do not like to hurt people, that is why I stop and let time pass. I must be brave for once in my life. Not all things are at slightlyra and I learn so ..
The worst thing is that there is a middle person. And things always have a reason, and in my case, why not a little, but, a somebody.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Bonotril Online Pharmacy I'm just going to play ninya {} ~
Omg! that are lso ninya beios choir * u * may be my destiny to be in that choir singing every last together see, or maybe not so o_o nor is my destiny to be hetero D: ~
Today I almost burst buds of the fingers in the trial; OOO, 3 hours straight! The teacher is a fucking sadist o_O if you pop the yem Algueña sa may do so on their erotic suenyos {x} every Friday night, but not me; x; not know that my fingers have your finger sits feelings * = D *
YaY! Diego wants to be your partner in promotion = O OMG! as not cone \u0026lt;ZCO anyone in your living room? I will do? I can not be attached to Paula all night {and part of the morning, if you want}
Today we ate tacaMily and Gerald cho \u0026lt;33 ~ Too bad that lady d ela ezquina not with in Moyobamba, OOO, I felt that something more than flat jerky xD If not, the taste that you never know where it goes but it has SBEs D ': {}
Monday, December 18, 2006
Rotronic Logistics 12.02.1086 Driver
Aha! Cesia ~ your so would you your hij @? Perhaps, but most say no, except Monica. Dhioz! and hows it going to happen is name? I'm not interested in the descent, the country or tribe that is but I feel bad if my dad would put that name at least o_o demadaría
3 days ago I went on vacation, do not feel pewro -3 - will the damn weather and that damn reporter who tells you the sun will rte of agia at 12:00 am and never does! NEVER! For now I am only devoted to sleep and eat because I have not really feel like anything. I had planned to recover all that lost sleep during school days 8D ~
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Szkoła Rodzenia łódź and now>> Mello ~
Lately I'm thinking that I'm tired of the year. If it sounds abnormal 's because it is xDUu Everyday I have to sleep to at least 5 hours in the afternoon tot
And I have less time to study! And I can not study or inthe table, because I fall right there yay! I stick up eyelids D: ~
Well now I have no more time so I leave a picture of Mello I = 'D fanart is one that looks at least something to the original \u0026lt;33 ~
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Shoremaster Canopy 27x120 Used Near ~ * u *
could say I'm a bit ... hmm afraid not, say I'm a little unsure about the tests tomorrow ewww! I can not believe they were mixing occurred Physics, Chemistry and Verbal Reasoning
¬ ¬ There's really no problem with RV but chemistry and physics \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;
emuy be reason to consider seriously. __. why should have suspected Wife and I stayed only single courses giving exams, but NO ~ Miss single jump for joy as he thought otherwise.
I brought another drawing yay! is Near * u * Omaigad did xDUu muuuuuuuuuuxio ago, as I said, soe very good but I liked Muxi, OO; neverbia drawn Dhioz Near as I like this ninya is so delicate, fragile and ligerita Weh ~ here is
Monday, December 11, 2006
Friday, December 1, 2006
Pain In Arm More Condition_symptoms
SSHE began classes today choir and everything turned pink. You know how LEND is listening to 31 ninya under 8 years singing Christmas carols in English ? Sure, but this is the day to have what I want when I want and as I want = D ~
There was something curious, since I attended that class for the most natural thing to do in the choir at your school and it is that I am now rather official guitarist of the choir, ; as Richad Yeah!
dhioz than envy Oh I have for this guy; As he plays guitar! Tambipen I want to play well, x, I love the feeling that puts you, maybe in a few months so comes into contact with, but if not then continue to delight and repenting have stopped guitar lessons with his songs: D
long ago} {only 1 month I'm trying to earn some doggie keyring blessed you are given one of the all-powerful OH promotions Lay's but the worst thing in to be promotions are swaps ... I've never won a single filth D: never! I've never played this magnificent special sticker that has the poder to make you feel in your hands a keyring bit as beautiful as heaven. Too bad you have to keep waiting. _.
It was all for now Cya
. ~