Thursday, September 11, 2008

Templates Heat Exhaustion

hat you need, those you shouted that I needed, I loved you, that I loved you.
I always wondered why you could not hear me, you cared so little, come to think that your heart correspondíaa another person, and I even think that I hated, could not be near me I thought, I just thought and thought, but found no answer, and when he found I was afraid, and decided to ignore it, I was afraid that the fact that I wanted to be true, I was afraid of your rejection, afraid that I speak, that mirases I was afraid you that you were on my side, I was afraid. still remember that day, one cold, gray, dark, lonely and rainy. I felt bad, had a void in the soul would not let me think rationally, I was alone, was sad, and only thought was to be in your arms, because he was sure that those arms protect me with the greatest of forces, he hoped that those arms protect me from harm, they would make sure I did not have any problems, they would.
But they were not there to protect me, I was alone, knowing that they were there with me, the fact of knowing whatand you were not there with me eating at the soul, consciousness, reason, everything. I thought all was lost, I thought that nothing made sense ... [info] desperately needed hope, a hope at least you ... I needed you, and so I went out to get you, my thoughts do not leave me alone, I needed to know if you care at least a bit, I needed to know why you walk away from me diaa day aclararte needed, it needed tell you how I feel, how I need you, how I wish my side and my side only, needed to tell you how much I love you ... Then I do not care, I'm not importantp; hellip;? Because he was so weak? ... "so weak was my love for you? ... No, that never, all but that, I was and am sure my love for you knows no bounds ...
So why could not continue ...? Is it as big
destination and is so against my love for you to not let me go?
I do not care, no matter what the world, the target was or who was against, I would fight until the end.
Bewildered "because they let me go to you?.
Is it that my love for you is definitely impossible?
I refuse, I refuse and I refuse to accept it.
& iqor thought ...
Suddenly the rain stopped beating my body weak,
Why let the rain fall on me?, if I heard that still kept the tears from heaven ; an falling,
why? ... ".. stas good"

hear ... "Hey, answer me, are you okay, that happens to you?

looked up, I could not believe I could not believe what I had before my eyes, after all, fate was not against me or my feelings ...
C "Kame

hey, answer me, are you okay, because this shot here? Why are you here alone and wet? "

not understand because you do not listen, you just saw with those worried eyes, that look sad ...
rain now understand why I no longer wet, because you were there, crouched, worried, covered ndome with your umbrella, preventing something bad happens, you were there protecting me from the rain, you're out there protecting me ...

were there ... I could not say anything, I opened my mouth, but paJewel did not come, I opened my heart, but my feelings were afraid to face, I wanted to move, but my body was not my body and so does not rock.

my surprise to see that expression on your face, one that said so much, that I proved him wrong, that pained expression told me that if you care at least a little.
felt joy, I was relieved, I felt love ... I feel you ...

Why? ...
Why were you so worried?
why were kneeling?
why? ...
nt could talk, I could have said everything, everything that felt for you, but could not, I fear, you were and return you to be alone, but it was my heart speaking and not my reason & hellip ;

"Koki ..."
was all I dared to say, and I cried, I cried even harder, just cry, but happiness, my full of sorrow, tears of happiness were now, and say your name aloud was more than enough for me, because I felt that I understood everything, and my fears came back, because I saw in your face that you understood everything, and moved your man

I could have died, but he had done with the greatest happiness, because you said you'd be by my side, that would not let me ... and hugged me, and I hugged him, hard and love, and you dropped the umbrella that protected us from the rain, but it did not matter because they were to protect me, you and only you, and it was more than enough ...
I remember every detail, we went to your house, the two together under one umbrella, was a unique moment, and all I wanted was for the time ever is not terminated, but my prayers went unheeded, and the rain stopped, the umbrella is closed, and the distance between our bodiesbecame ever more evident, and I looked down ... We
home, we were alone, wet, put music, can not remember which, was very nervous ... "go up and change or you're going to get sick, you can wear my clothes without a problem, see your first "

I said most of innocence, I asked if, when I already had changed, when and where, no I know ... but no matter, because I was with him, and her clothes alone will know that listening to music, I was happy and uncomfortable, and looked into his eyes back, was sure at the time you understood meor, I was sure at that time you could see through my eyes, my tears, my feelings, you see, feel, understand me ...
could not speak, once again the fear dominated my speech, I just sat on the couch in a corner without saying a word ... "Want to beer? I asked, I nodded, brought two small bottles to be more exact, I gave him one and sat down beside me, I trembled, nerves and

love ... " Koki ... I ... about what's new ... "I

"Mal de amores?" I wonder ...

"Something like" ...

said nothing more, silence dominated the habitació n, a deafening silence and eternal.
Koki, I ... I ..."

could not, could not tell. Why?.
He just looked at me, said nothing and I prayed inside me that I interrupted, but he did ...
"I was crying, because the person that I & hellipFor I ... "
again decided not to leave the words of my mouth ...

" you want? "

I looked surprised, after all him if he understood my feelings ...
"the person you want is distancing itself more and more of you and you feel powerless because they can not do anything?
I just looked at him, why he spoke as if speaking of himself, "but continued,

" because the person who shows you love that you do not coC There was silence. Did not understand, do not remember, silence again, but it was the same silence that came stunning and smashing me, was different, the time left to run, I stop breathing or at least that's what I felt ;, do not remember, what happened?, what was that phrase?, which was that feeling?, Who said it?, was I me?, or maybe it was ... Why not
I get it?, was not it?, were you dreaming?, was he dead, or does it not, at that time did not understand anything, just listened again and again that word so hard , with much feeling, so sincerely, with tant love. I thought it was a fantasy of mine, but no ... I hear it, so why not get it ... Why?
Turn your head to understand. His forehead was resting on my shoulder. At what point ... since when his head was looking at anything on my shoulder? ... Since when his eyes closed ...? Since when ...? Why not remember ...? if you fantasize full days this time because I was not able to attend ... I felt why not?. Why? ... And that sentence ... Where did? I turned around and you look once more, to love him with my eyes full of confusion ...

I could not ... I could not finish saying his name. Why?, Why I could not even name it? I understood, I understood why ... because his name is incomplete at my mouth ...
Because their lips ... Those lips smooth, full is love, were on mine.
was his lips that would not let me talk, but do not mind. At that time I would die, but not, at that time sated so much, felt and felt.
gave me the kiss more beautiful than a human can give, the more tender kiss can be the kiss with more love than you can feel, that kiss, your kiss, my kiss kiss OUR .
closed my eyes and I understood everything, I understood why QUAD his face that day I cried for him, understanding that embrace the rain, I understood why he walked away, I understood why when I looked under the , to speak or at least I tried, I understood everything, or maybe did not understand anything.

But he loves me, and I love him, and that no one can denyNo feeble voice

"hey ... are you talking about?, long time ago I'm trying to wake you but give no signs of life, and wakes up once and stop talking nonsense that we are waiting for you just "

I looked disoriented ...

" Give it your fault we're late to the shoot "

He went a little lift head, sat in a chair in a photo studio, did not understand. Does that phrase
never existed?
What about silence?
& amp; iQuest, And the kiss? Did was just a beautiful dream? ...
do not know, but one thing I do know that if I understand it, and I understand and I know because I see you walk away and my heart is pounding, and your presence draws a smile on my .. . and change all of the scenery and costumes, the situation changed everything ...
Everything but my love for you, and someday I'll tell you my feelings, under the rain with tears in his eyes with my lips against yours, and love you swear no one will give ...

except me ... so


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