Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Diary Of A Killer Cat


order aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal ladies, gentlemen and vague ....
long-awaited photos, now you, no matter matter how many problems have ...
now I'll post whether or
jajaja start with photos rabu rabu ñ_ñ
good first shot censored I did not think that would be so small, but in the red rectangle that says "censored ñ_ñ" because nobody has the right or becauseand watching you walk the line ^ ^ chabon

no no, no effect of fotochop, he is just like that ^ ^
when you know it, I tell ...

in doubt, consult your doctor

that caripela papaaaaaaaaaaaaa
another photo uncensored , pal veeeeeeeeery be vague and not feel like zoom, and therefore do not read what it says censorship I am writing here ... "Haha is the blame, just because they will stay with the desire to see the face of sexual pervert who has jaja n_n" apart to avoid problems ...

jaa ñ______ñ
siiiiiiiiiii veniiiiiiiiii, you love ...

options: is gay, b: hot re ta, c: I feel like everybody, d: asis re hot gay and walk you feel like everyone ^ ^

"pure passion and love gay", but equally the blame ñ_ñ

the arrow says it all

ja "censored" because nobody wants to see your private parts except rear L (not I put the name only to let the minimum of dignity that remains hahah)


remember we are all adults ...

veroooooniiiiicaaaaaaaaaa, feels like your stomach strong beats strong , the future father just 17 ... I ba ...

uuuuuuuu miraaaaaaa, M engañaa D to L. .. but no, it's just the evil plan of L to M and D are separated ...

resisted the tentaciooooooon noooooooooo not cheat D

¬ ¬ I can not stand "pure love gay, but just in case ñ_ñ censored" is what it says

capturing all the excitement

mmmmmmmmmm cocaaaaaaa jajaj

aja, trying to regain the relationship ..XC

that gay love never ends ...

and well, the truth does not offend the saying goes, and not have to be the exception. for it says not to read ... "Ass broken" ñ_ñ

and as I said recently that the truth does not offend in the balloon of said L & amp; quot; morbid "

as you like eating ... uh

And so it was left after MANY HOURS OF WORK WITH THESE DAMNED PICTURES. BUT It was all worth JAJA

MINNA NO COST ME KNOW WHAT TO DO THIS, I hope you liked it, and return to


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