TITLE: A thousand questions and one answer ... ... Chapter 2 "Confusion"
AUTHOR: Yooo ♥ ~ ... Male
fandom: kat-tun mostly ....
COUPLES: tururururu ~ ♫
Genre: etto .... R? (Haha I was the classifications gomen = P. .. but so good haha)
RATING: Suitable for all audiences
WARNINGS: none in particular patience xD ... just read ...
SUMMARY:'re going to have to read enterito XDDD ...
it wrong, this is very bad ... I know, but I can not help it.
I avoid while ... I do not want, something that began as a simple game of drinks, que ended more than just a kiss, which became a very sensual infidelity, and became adventure that happened to be an adventure to an addiction that I do not recover. I know you feel the same, is that the fact that deceive your partner do not mind, I know you do not mind your partner and your partner knows everything. I know, by the way I look, because he no longer speaks to me, because I hate ... and rightly so, because I hate me, and I hate you for what you do, but as all about us and addiction is a necessity, and very hard to ignore ...
I woke up and there you stood beside me, asleep, tranquil and naked.
not you left, rarNo, need to smoke, and I woke up, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I raised, you're so different when you sleep, you do not have the winning image, the image of "I get it all", the irresistible, the number one, this superb picture that says "I should ; be the leader. " When you sleep, that whole arrogant image disappears when you sleep you can see what you do not stop to see in you ... only human. A quiet man, common, like everyone else.
I looked into his eyes,
"I forgot to go" ...
"throwing me these?"
"no, I'm just saying that you forgot dan I and I dare say that I like more than your pillow or your bed, and as much as I want, I'm afraid to stay, I have your confidence to say I'll be where I want the other person and say nothing .
I prefer to go, before I throw ... I can not bear to tell me to go.
I love to hear you tell me that I stay, I will not go, but that's not going to happen. Never happened, not happen, or happen.
& amcigarette and you rejected me back and I understood nothing.
"I do not want that cigarette, that I do not like"
"I want this ..."
"But if the same"
"No, not the same"
"Because ..."
I looked, smiled, and I smoked it back.
"Because I said so" C HTMLXC
Too bad, again your arrogance, we are all accustomed to deal with, and support.
is a pity that the image that only a few know it does not last long on you, but I'm glad to be part of those few, and although it is sometimes annoying, I like and in fact I love it. And that attitude was arrogant and angry that makes you and me every night, if only a couple of hours, because after you go or should I go for cover and continue to conceal this ...
True, this is an affair, you belong to someone else, you tenésa someone waiting.
"I'm smoking"
"should not be in your house"
"throwing me these back?
"I'm just saying that someone is waiting for you"
"Are you jealous?"
"I told you no will shoot up in two days, so I told him I would go to rest."
We smoke, we get up, bathe, we fell back into sin that binds us, smiled, kissed, and had breakfast ... in silence.
"ne ..."
".....?" mmm .... I answered without interest.
"if you know and you too, and if you play it because I also find it fun ... orthat ... and you got bored? "
" what then? "
" no, nothing "
finished breakfast, wash, dry and order and quiet again. We rarely have much free time and more rare is when our free time coincide.
"ah, what then?"
"mmm ... ... what the game of the bottle"
"and ..."
"can not, what if the bottle says that furniture and the other side the wall"
You laughed with enthusiasm and muchLXC
hell, because I said that
I told myself.
"and I got bored, I watch TV ..."
You got up and began to channel surfing and sighed without thinking and I sat next to you.
"ne ... Koki ... Whyuel of which we are just a few toys, which we constantly lie just so that others conform.
How sad is our world, how sad it is to lie constantly, constantly pretend to such an extent that we begin to lie to ourselves. But hey, that's the life we choose, and while there are still those days off in which it can be next to you, it sounds very silly and even gay but ... while these days still exist only todavíay still do not feel, nor do I feel alone.
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