AUTHOR: malemetal and translated from English to English by
TITLE: “One Thousand questions…Just one answer”
PAIRING: KoKame (Kamenashi kazuya/Tanaka Koki)
GENRE: angst, some fluff
RATING: apto para todo publico CHChable, so distant.
; ; , CH TMLXC Honestly I do not get it, HAVING you so close and at the Same time so distant ... so distant That You CAN NOT hear my screams, Those Which say I want you madly and passionately Those Which say I need you, I love you. I always Wonderer
why not could you hear me, you cared so little, I Thought You Belong to someone else heart and I Thought That You Hated Me, That You Could not Stand Being around me, and I Thought I Thought I Could But Not find the answer, and when i found one it scared me, I Decided to ignore it, afraid I Was The Fact That you did not love me true WAS, I WAS afraid of your rejection I Was Afraid That You Did not talk to me , Did not look at me I Was Afraid That You Moved form my side, I Was Afraid. I still remember That day, cold, gray, dark, lonely and rainy. I felt bad, I had a hole in my soul That Did not allow me to think Clearly, I Was alone and sad and the only think I Could think of WAS Being in your arms, Because I Knew Those arms Would Protect me, I hoped Those arms Would Protect Me Against all evil, They will make sure I Had no problem, They Will.
At That moment I Did not care about anything, I Did not care about the rain, the darkness, solitude Not Even That I'm so afraid of, Because for your love I can do anything, I can Overcome Any fear tormenting me, I can do anything you ask me, the only thing I want from you is stay by your side, That you do not leave me, That you love me, like I dimits ... Then why not could I continue?
WAS destiny So strong and so against my love for You That Did not leave me continue?
Is it my love for you definitely impossible?
I refuse, I refuse to accept it.
Then, why?
I remember
every detail, that hole in my heart becoming bigger and bigger, destroying me little by little I started to give up and when I did it I cried, I cried with all my heart because I realized I was alone that you were not with me and that I tried, I tried to look for shelter in you, I swear I tried, but I couldn’t make it
Or that's what I thought…
I was alone kneeling in the ground, soaked, destroyed without you and with tears in my eyes falling non-stop, my sadness was bigger than my pride, so I decided not stop crying under the rain. Or that’s what I thought…
Suddenly the rain stopped hitting my weak body
Why the rain stopped falling over me? If I could still hear the tears from heaven falling, Why?...
“Are you ok?” I heard…
“ Hey answer what’s wrong?”
I looked up and I couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe what I had in front of my eyes after all fate wasn’t against me or my feelings…
"Kame Hey, are you ok?
Why are you here? Why are you here alone and soaked? "
I Could not Understand Why I Did not hear you, only I see you with a worried look, a sad look ... Then
d that’s was more than enough…
I remember every detail, we went to you home, together under the same umbrella, was a unique moment and the only thing I wanted was that moment never ended but my prayers were not listened and the rain stopped and the distance between our bodies grew and I looked down...
We get to your house, we were alone and soaked, you put on some music I don't remember which, I was too nervous...
What do you want?” He said I looked at him surprised, after all, he had understood my feelings …
”The person you love grows apart from you and you feel powerless and not able to do anything?”
He continued
&XC Why I can not understand? It wasn't true? Was I dreaming? Was I dead? Or not? At That moment I Did not Understand I Heard Those Words only over and over again so strong, so full of feelings, so sincere, so full of love.
I turn to try to understand.
WAS His forehead resting on my shoulder. When
His lips… Those soft, love filled lips were on mine. His lips didn’t let me speak, but it didn’t care. At that moment I felt like dying, but it was not like that, at that moment I felt so many things, I just felt and felt. You gave me the most beautiful kiss someone can give, the most tender kiss that ever existed, the kiss most full of love someone can feel, that kiss, his kiss, my kiss
OUR kiss.
But I loves me and I love him, and That Can Not Be Denied, No One Can Deny That our love and eternal kiss ...
or That's What I Thought ...
“Open your eyes”
I said in a weak voice
I Moved away slowly, I raised my head I WAS sitting on a chair on a studio, I did not understand.
Everything except my love for you and I will tell you my feelings someday,
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