Her body was plump in its cocoon of frailty. Well-fed. Curvaceous. Buxom. She was big but not the way you'd think. She had the same proportions as your average girl but with a large head and enormous feet and with about four inches above average height. Which she thought was perfect, and sometimes it was. But she was a sickly woman. Her wrists creaked and popped and her ribs trembled and bumped one another and minor head trauma resulted in uncontrollable twitching. She thought this started the day she realized she was becoming old but in reality it started when she found that in all of the pictures of her childhood heroes, they looked lost and alone and they were her idols because she identified with them, thus becoming the first indication that she would be lonely for the rest of her life. This is how it started for her. It Began with carpets and yellow or blue or pink walls and ceilings and blankets That She stared up at for hours. She Cried When She wanted Attention. She Thought She cried too much But really she cried Less Than MOST people did.
She watched television to learn Before she started going to school, and her Parents fed her and held her and Offered her a toothbrush after she puked in the toilet. She Cried When She still throw up Because It hurts and Its Unfamiliar and she's tired.
She Went to school and the days got Longer and harder, and she stopped drawing and started writing But Not the way she liked to. She tried to Be Heard and she Laughed When adults laugh, But She Did not get the jokes, andshe wasn't nervous and she Fell asleep in the car.
She Went to high school, and Nothing was Serious And Then, Suddenly, everything was Serious. She Did not like your friends. She Did not want to be alone. For the rest of her life, she wanted someone to want her and she Fell in love too early with the first person Who Told her she was beautiful. They Were still ashamed of her, But They Touch Her When They Were alone and that's all she wanted from Them. Meant That She Thought They loved her, But Later she Realized That She Was Wrong.
She Went to college, But it wasn't as good as the College That Went To everyone else, and she Paid fifty dollars to take a ceramics class That she never used But she enjoyed it for the semester. She Worked at Several
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Roadrunner 21 Trailer
may be able to be in love today. Just getting out of bed, put clothes and survive.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Soy Allergies More Condition_symptoms
random, endless tirades about silly things and generally A LOT OF overreaction I hope you will forgive (and read) or overreactive like me)
- The Bill Nighy
talking about dark times, ministry, camera flashes and the aesthetics of the Prophet which I loved in OotP.
Three short scenes: First, Hermione, alone in his room, grieving for what is about to do. The voice is broken when her mother called and before making Obliviate
doubt a second to see them as quiet a program commenting on Australia (first subtle nod only fans of the books, which I love because I'm selfish as
hell). Fifteen seconds of pelicle and I was already moist eyes when Hermione begins to blur the photos, because few things in this film sensitized me as family relationships (also: the fic reminded me of
phoenixgfawkes ). Then Harry, watching from his window at the Dursleys leave and leave the house. Expected to do something more with this scene, but I'm not complaining. the end, Ron, putting faces of melancholy in front of a house that took me a minute to realize that was not the house of the burrow but ALL the burrow, destroyed after the scene of random BPH: I hate movie
more every second, but at least you did not forget. CHT MLXC LOVED this show. The movie had begun half a minute ago, and I was clutching my seat in OMG I'M LOVING THIS plan SO MUCH. Three little scenes, half a minute each, and captured perfectly how difficult things were being and would from that time. Applause. - Adaptation
immediately obvious that this is (even now) the film more faithful to the original book, and it has a lot to do with the fact of having 2 extra hours to do everything and anything to do with the monumental CAGAZO should have everyone concerned that the fans did not like the last movie of HP OMG! We all know what ... expressive we can be the fans with our feelings;)
But anyway, everything seemed great. Things appeared in the fifth (for me, one of the best movies of HP) that once I loved, as a novel way to advance the plot. In the case of OotP were articles of the prophet, and this was the radio was turned on 24 / 7 at the camp of doom and that at least I got so nervous as to Harry at times.
I love that in the assembly of Ron jealous / angry / emo background put the program reading the names of those missing in war. One of the things I was scared at DH (especially taking into account Kloves, aparently rum-hater and Harmonia number one, more on That later) was that in the part where Ron would not explain good reasons, and quEdara simply as a bipolar one day because he hates all ear itches because the next returns. I think that way was very clear that yes, Ron was being an idiot and watching Harry / Hermione where "no" had, but that simply was the straw that broke the camel and had important things
passing. And it was pritty ♥, I loved the use that gave the radio.
DOBBY'S DEATH! OMG! I think it was one of the most AWESOME that achieved an animated doll of a character who never wanted to start was both one of the most exciting scenes of the film. They did well to introduce it before with Kreacher (so LOL xD) because then you started with ....:(, Awww, then his shovelErman. SO AWESOME. SOOOO AWESOME. AWESOME AWESOME SAUCE WITH AN AWESOME AND CHERRY ON TOP. REALLY! As creepys and so stylized and so ashdgaueauear detallecitos; sdusrd. Awesome.
- The pairings
* Harry / Ginny:
"I go up close?" Oooook ... NO. Let's see, H / G is not my OTP, much less. Nor do I dislike. Always considered a bit bleh. But in the movies happen to be bleh to be more a "Uhm ... what?" All (and I mean ALL) the possible tension between them is not, and the only time they have contact in the whole movie is redeemable only by the appearance of George. I mean, I do not care much personally, but since Harry the hero of the movie, would not want to give it a little over pantBeyond his only romantic interest? That.
* Tonks / Remus:
"By the way, my husband and I have a story ..."
Uhhm ... what? Bone. Exactly 8 seconds of screen time. 8. With nothing previously told. Only two random characters are suddenly saying married and have a news * facepalm * I mean, a lot of joy that will not pass the "moment Mexican telenovela" Remus, I would like super hung and anti-climatic but ... Uhm? I mean, obviously the R / T is just to put Teddy on the scene but ... is so necessary? That.
* Harry / Hermione:
"As much as I like your perfume, please do not use it next time" OHHH MARI
ALL Kloves Dementors, who spent THAT GOOD IN THIS MOVIE! No,but seriously, do not bother me. I laughed a lot in some scenes, imagining the scribes Kloves happiness of the moment (I think I'll write an RPS of this, in my mind is super hilarious), but did not seem out of place, especially since DH did have several when harmony. The dance seemed super sweet, really, did not see it as a scene "romantic" and that moment of happiness in all the shit that was the part I liked (although I had a draft fic RHR is much like that now as plagiarism xDDD) Now, kiss the shrine? A little porn xD but for me that was a plus, eh! It made sense with what Ron might have been imagining. I love it when HP has those "little chaste" ^ ^
* Ron / Hermione: "siemperre'm angry with him "
I know that my shipper heart is not partial, but had sooooo moments ♥ From all canonical (left" tone surprise!) to no (The pianito time!), all were brilliant. Now I do not remember all the things I wanted to say about (someone take me to see this movie again, dammit!), but just know I (nor Hermione, which have delayed it * points to icon *) I can not wait for the next movie for the KISS. I will squee in the middle of the film, KDD plan, I know.
Also: "Follow him talking about the light ball flies into your heart, and you will pass" JEEEEEEEEE.
CHin the book was TERRIBLE OMG was little). Failure to tell the story of Ariana and blah blah, so maybe we see it there ... - In the same tone of the previous point, Gellert standing in the lighted window and sang "
- More Ron. Because Ron always need more.
- Sirius's room. Harry came in and yadda yadda, but seeing him I was expecting something more ... gryffindoriano. In the book said it was full of posters and things muggle Gryffindor colors just to annoy his family, and something that I loved reading to my soul. Also, there would have been wrong even
suggest that the photo of the marauders was there. We could have taken a picture of four
- The Bill Nighy
talking about dark times, ministry, camera flashes and the aesthetics of the Prophet which I loved in OotP.
Three short scenes: First, Hermione, alone in his room, grieving for what is about to do. The voice is broken when her mother called and before making Obliviate
doubt a second to see them as quiet a program commenting on Australia (first subtle nod only fans of the books, which I love because I'm selfish as
hell). Fifteen seconds of pelicle and I was already moist eyes when Hermione begins to blur the photos, because few things in this film sensitized me as family relationships (also: the fic reminded me of
phoenixgfawkes ). Then Harry, watching from his window at the Dursleys leave and leave the house. Expected to do something more with this scene, but I'm not complaining. the end, Ron, putting faces of melancholy in front of a house that took me a minute to realize that was not the house of the burrow but ALL the burrow, destroyed after the scene of random BPH: I hate movie
immediately obvious that this is (even now) the film more faithful to the original book, and it has a lot to do with the fact of having 2 extra hours to do everything and anything to do with the monumental CAGAZO should have everyone concerned that the fans did not like the last movie of HP OMG! We all know what ... expressive we can be the fans with our feelings;)
But anyway, everything seemed great. Things appeared in the fifth (for me, one of the best movies of HP) that once I loved, as a novel way to advance the plot. In the case of OotP were articles of the prophet, and this was the radio was turned on 24 / 7 at the camp of doom and that at least I got so nervous as to Harry at times.
I love that in the assembly of Ron jealous / angry / emo background put the program reading the names of those missing in war. One of the things I was scared at DH (especially taking into account Kloves, aparently rum-hater and Harmonia number one, more on That later) was that in the part where Ron would not explain good reasons, and quEdara simply as a bipolar one day because he hates all ear itches because the next returns. I think that way was very clear that yes, Ron was being an idiot and watching Harry / Hermione where "no" had, but that simply was the straw that broke the camel and had important things
passing. And it was pritty ♥, I loved the use that gave the radio.
DOBBY'S DEATH! OMG! I think it was one of the most AWESOME that achieved an animated doll of a character who never wanted to start was both one of the most exciting scenes of the film. They did well to introduce it before with Kreacher (so LOL xD) because then you started with ....:(, Awww, then his shovelErman. SO AWESOME. SOOOO AWESOME. AWESOME AWESOME SAUCE WITH AN AWESOME AND CHERRY ON TOP. REALLY! As creepys and so stylized and so ashdgaueauear detallecitos; sdusrd. Awesome.
- The pairings
* Harry / Ginny:
"I go up close?" Oooook ... NO. Let's see, H / G is not my OTP, much less. Nor do I dislike. Always considered a bit bleh. But in the movies happen to be bleh to be more a "Uhm ... what?" All (and I mean ALL) the possible tension between them is not, and the only time they have contact in the whole movie is redeemable only by the appearance of George. I mean, I do not care much personally, but since Harry the hero of the movie, would not want to give it a little over pantBeyond his only romantic interest? That.
* Tonks / Remus:
"By the way, my husband and I have a story ..."
Uhhm ... what? Bone. Exactly 8 seconds of screen time. 8. With nothing previously told. Only two random characters are suddenly saying married and have a news * facepalm * I mean, a lot of joy that will not pass the "moment Mexican telenovela" Remus, I would like super hung and anti-climatic but ... Uhm? I mean, obviously the R / T is just to put Teddy on the scene but ... is so necessary? That.
* Harry / Hermione:
"As much as I like your perfume, please do not use it next time" OHHH MARI
ALL Kloves Dementors, who spent THAT GOOD IN THIS MOVIE! No,but seriously, do not bother me. I laughed a lot in some scenes, imagining the scribes Kloves happiness of the moment (I think I'll write an RPS of this, in my mind is super hilarious), but did not seem out of place, especially since DH did have several when harmony. The dance seemed super sweet, really, did not see it as a scene "romantic" and that moment of happiness in all the shit that was the part I liked (although I had a draft fic RHR is much like that now as plagiarism xDDD) Now, kiss the shrine? A little porn xD but for me that was a plus, eh! It made sense with what Ron might have been imagining. I love it when HP has those "little chaste" ^ ^
* Ron / Hermione: "siemperre'm angry with him "
I know that my shipper heart is not partial, but had sooooo moments ♥ From all canonical (left" tone surprise!) to no (The pianito time!), all were brilliant. Now I do not remember all the things I wanted to say about (someone take me to see this movie again, dammit!), but just know I (nor Hermione, which have delayed it * points to icon *) I can not wait for the next movie for the KISS. I will squee in the middle of the film, KDD plan, I know.
Also: "Follow him talking about the light ball flies into your heart, and you will pass" JEEEEEEEEE.
CHin the book was TERRIBLE OMG was little). Failure to tell the story of Ariana and blah blah, so maybe we see it there ... - In the same tone of the previous point, Gellert standing in the lighted window and sang "
- More Ron. Because Ron always need more.

suggest that the photo of the marauders was there. We could have taken a picture of four
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Free Judo Club Web Template
To My Fitted Sheet
I despise you.
You and your stretchy corners.
You and your sneaking up and springing off when I'm pulling down your Other Side.
You and your excruciating tangles.
You are the bane of my Existence and I Wish You Would Be Abolish in favor of the regular, rectangular sheets righteous That Came Before You.
How am I supposed to fold you?
In the grim Tuesday morning when to envelop you and I cast my toes I
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thank You Notes Phrases
nothing while several people with whom I have no confidence are paying attention to me, I have something like a MASSIVE ATTACK PANIC.
In these three days, there were many instances where I had to get me answers to the galley, discuss topics that did not have the slightest fucking idea as if they did De Pe a Pa, and insulting people while acting offended Completely by issues of territories of countries that still assures me that no one has invented the office at the time (Transnistria? Is not that a Batman villain?) and although my completely sweaty shirts divine witness that I was not as friendly universe, I could defend quite well and that makes me so happy and my inflated self-esteem, thank you very much.
Also, my companion had gone only to meet boys and knew nothing, so I have double points.
In other matters: INCLUSIVE OF EVIL.
SPOILER1. I can not write with Deadlines.
2. I can not write longfics
I have an incurable genetic disease that prevents me from writing longfics. Antilongficitis is called. Longfic would try to write a fight against nature, and only result in incurable pain and trauma to my soul. Yup.
3. And not even that would have all summer, because I come a few months moved. The only time that would be completely free in December, and in December I will write all the Christmas gifts and nothing more.
4. Because I signed up for zillion things, and why not.
And here ends my
lucagainst my conscience has
list, thank you very much for your attention.
IV. TWO WEEKS FOR HP 7 1 / 2 1 !!!!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
V. In my memories are some of their Christmas lists. Not all. Please let me which are not, that I'm totally messed up with this topic. VI. Goobye. Back to work.
VII. HARRY POTTER VII ONE !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1
In these three days, there were many instances where I had to get me answers to the galley, discuss topics that did not have the slightest fucking idea as if they did De Pe a Pa, and insulting people while acting offended Completely by issues of territories of countries that still assures me that no one has invented the office at the time (Transnistria? Is not that a Batman villain?) and although my completely sweaty shirts divine witness that I was not as friendly universe, I could defend quite well and that makes me so happy and my inflated self-esteem, thank you very much.
Also, my companion had gone only to meet boys and knew nothing, so I have double points.
In other matters: INCLUSIVE OF EVIL.

2. I can not write longfics
I have an incurable genetic disease that prevents me from writing longfics. Antilongficitis is called. Longfic would try to write a fight against nature, and only result in incurable pain and trauma to my soul. Yup.

3. And not even that would have all summer, because I come a few months moved. The only time that would be completely free in December, and in December I will write all the Christmas gifts and nothing more.
4. Because I signed up for zillion things, and why not.
lucagainst my conscience has
list, thank you very much for your attention.
IV. TWO WEEKS FOR HP 7 1 / 2 1 !!!!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
V. In my memories are some of their Christmas lists. Not all. Please let me which are not, that I'm totally messed up with this topic. VI. Goobye. Back to work.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
What Is Stroke More Condition_symptoms
(Ando hello.o semi-hiatus for exams and other issues of school (and end of it) related subjects, but no one can tell me to copy the code of a meme, right? Right.)
(Cheers, f-list!)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Digital Foto Club Promo Christmas list!
Here is the entry that all of you (not) been waiting for: the letter to Santa Claus to Lynethe!
I have no inspiration, Siriusly, and as I was not thinking at all and I'm going to get out of the hat everything you ask, surely I repent tomorrow and want to add things. OS:
- Lynethe Christmas List, the most ambiguous and wide as possible and you fulfill their desire to be filled with gifts:
1. has paid. I ask this every year just in case, that hope is never lost little icons xD love and many wonderful features but I dare not buy for myself.
2. Books . Another classic: a book used or new, modern or old, that you liked a lot or that mean something to you. Give me having it in hand, but also accept e-books of some "must read" you want to recommend a book J If "physical", a dedication on the first pages would be nice, saying why you like the book, why I like to me, happy Christmas to all, peace for the world, yadda yadda yadda, and you know the thing.
3. GREEN DAY TICKETS ON FRIDAY. COriginal D of either Christopher Nolan films because I love ALL and I just decided that I should take them to worship (?). Anyway. frikadas I would also like some of the movie, I dunno, something imaginative. AND AH, like to say: I am doing casting (?) In search of a totem. If you see something cute and tiny and could represent me, I love that you showed me. I do not need to buy it, sugerírmelo (y, d if possible, tell me where to get it xD) enough.
As for fic, as most of my f-list called Arthur / Eames and a couple asked Cobb / Ariadne, I ask Ariadne / Arthur because I'm heavy and re re fucked. Otherwise, a pre-movie fic where Arhur (which just met Cobb) have a conversation with Mal (and still alive butez, and now that the movies are finished and OMG TOO MUCH PAIN & CONFUSION, I'm really all that back to the roots. So, anything of Them, but preferably a scene at Hogwarts or something immediately post war. I'm not a big fan fics "big happy family 20 19 years in the future", and short scenes of reflections / thoughts are millions, so, a scene of ... "scene" xD That something will happen / has dialogue / whatever . But I'm still having the bug of Ron / McLaggen from the previous movie, or else some of the marauders, or something of Harry's childhood Pre-PS (There is very little of this and I love it), or a scene trio at the camp (some bastardized DH if any, but for me it has potential) or anything of Neville J
8. Fic
Dark Materials. Anything this fandom, Siriusly.
9. Ok, now comes the expensive gift
to get even half impossible because I have a lot of faith (?), Aka, expensive books: any in Song of Ice and Fire , but not with the paperback edition MiniMini letter, but of normal size,
Dome of Stephen King or any of HP
10. Sherlock BBC. LOVE this fandom with the force of a thousand suns, although he has not squee both in this LJ. Sherlock / Watson are something like a SUPER Otep, so ESO. I would not like fics where they are matched with someone else (unless the final end up together and shit). I also would love to read about the young Sherlock, how was his life before becoming a detective known, perhaps some experience "human" as your first kiss ... I do not know. Something.
11. Merlin.
Arthur / Merlin, Merlin / Morgana
, Uther / Morgana, Morgause / Uther, Merlin / Gwaine, Arthur / Lancelot ... just go crazy!
12. a doll or stuffed animal thingy
or fandom. Someone as cute as those posting
in your list would
OSOM, but fandom but any little thing they get. 13. Anything you want me to send for
mail, letter, postcard, cartoon, whatever. I am thrilled to receive a letter, and this year and asked some of you. their addresses to give back ^ ^ If someone is interested send him my address by PM. 14. rings, necklaces, nail color = bizarre things I can and I can not help buying them wherever they go. Also, things
library 15. Surprise, surprise ^ ^ Lol, I think I sailed a bit with the orders (seriously, there is a race that is to ask for things? Professional beggar? I could live on it), I leave this point you think that my orders are crazy ... crazy and wants to give me something else. You know what I like, soooo
I ask that you please leave me links to their lists, because I'm very forgetful lately and has not tripped me so I probably have forgotten Olympic memorize it * facepalm * sooo, Prity please?
Make a list of 15 Christmas wishes you have. The list of 15 wishes can contain both material things, like postcards, or fanworks several (fanfics, icons, graphics, fan art, fanvids ... whatever). @ Every one that suits your preferences.
I have no inspiration, Siriusly, and as I was not thinking at all and I'm going to get out of the hat everything you ask, surely I repent tomorrow and want to add things. OS:
- Lynethe Christmas List, the most ambiguous and wide as possible and you fulfill their desire to be filled with gifts:
1. has paid. I ask this every year just in case, that hope is never lost little icons xD love and many wonderful features but I dare not buy for myself.
2. Books . Another classic: a book used or new, modern or old, that you liked a lot or that mean something to you. Give me having it in hand, but also accept e-books of some "must read" you want to recommend a book J If "physical", a dedication on the first pages would be nice, saying why you like the book, why I like to me, happy Christmas to all, peace for the world, yadda yadda yadda, and you know the thing.
As for fic, as most of my f-list called Arthur / Eames and a couple asked Cobb / Ariadne, I ask Ariadne / Arthur because I'm heavy and re re fucked. Otherwise, a pre-movie fic where Arhur (which just met Cobb) have a conversation with Mal (and still alive butez, and now that the movies are finished and OMG TOO MUCH PAIN & CONFUSION, I'm really all that back to the roots. So, anything of Them, but preferably a scene at Hogwarts or something immediately post war. I'm not a big fan fics "big happy family 20 19 years in the future", and short scenes of reflections / thoughts are millions, so, a scene of ... "scene" xD That something will happen / has dialogue / whatever . But I'm still having the bug of Ron / McLaggen from the previous movie, or else some of the marauders, or something of Harry's childhood Pre-PS (There is very little of this and I love it), or a scene trio at the camp (some bastardized DH if any, but for me it has potential) or anything of Neville J
8. Fic
Dark Materials. Anything this fandom, Siriusly.
9. Ok, now comes the expensive gift
to get even half impossible because I have a lot of faith (?), Aka, expensive books: any in Song of Ice and Fire , but not with the paperback edition MiniMini letter, but of normal size,
Dome of Stephen King or any of HP
10. Sherlock BBC. LOVE this fandom with the force of a thousand suns, although he has not squee both in this LJ. Sherlock / Watson are something like a SUPER Otep, so ESO. I would not like fics where they are matched with someone else (unless the final end up together and shit). I also would love to read about the young Sherlock, how was his life before becoming a detective known, perhaps some experience "human" as your first kiss ... I do not know. Something.
11. Merlin.
Arthur / Merlin, Merlin / Morgana
, Uther / Morgana, Morgause / Uther, Merlin / Gwaine, Arthur / Lancelot ... just go crazy!
12. a doll or stuffed animal thingy
or fandom. Someone as cute as those posting
in your list would
OSOM, but fandom but any little thing they get. 13. Anything you want me to send for
mail, letter, postcard, cartoon, whatever. I am thrilled to receive a letter, and this year and asked some of you. their addresses to give back ^ ^ If someone is interested send him my address by PM. 14. rings, necklaces, nail color = bizarre things I can and I can not help buying them wherever they go. Also, things
library 15. Surprise, surprise ^ ^ Lol, I think I sailed a bit with the orders (seriously, there is a race that is to ask for things? Professional beggar? I could live on it), I leave this point you think that my orders are crazy ... crazy and wants to give me something else. You know what I like, soooo
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sierra Design Nomad 5
(I put these two because they are more new images that show. If you want to see the rest: here have )
So. Tell me. This is going to be BIG or will be BIG ?
Did you see what i just saw, people?
Moody. Twins. The seven Harrys. DAN RADCLIFFE IN A BRA . Hagrid's motorcycle. The wedding, dance, Dobby. The scene Harmonia mandatory. Ron leaves nothing but the same is handsome. The kiss of zero chemistry with Fred (or George) facing WTF? and Fleur and Bill and Everything That is fucking awesome.
simply not I can believe that I miss so little for the premiere. I s
(I put these two because they are more new images that show. If you want to see the rest: here have )
So. Tell me. This is going to be BIG or will be BIG ?
Did you see what i just saw, people?
Moody. Twins. The seven Harrys. DAN RADCLIFFE IN A BRA . Hagrid's motorcycle. The wedding, dance, Dobby. The scene Harmonia mandatory. Ron leaves nothing but the same is handsome. The kiss of zero chemistry with Fred (or George) facing WTF? and Fleur and Bill and Everything That is fucking awesome.
simply not I can believe that I miss so little for the premiere. I s
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Pelvic Pain More Condition_symptoms
Lynethe here, reporting from his death bed of angina. Pretty nasty thing, i tell you.
I'm pretty good now, and a half days after taking the pill giant nasty pointy and totally NOT designed to pass through a throat plate (seriusly, dudes, the lab people never get sick and you realize these things? ) but I will not deny that I'm a bit groggy and semi-solid diets are definitely not made for me. He had a couple of tests at school this week I'm going to have to lose (although it is well for Friday, I doubt find the will to get to study accounting) and recall alone is always pretty stressful, but, hey, let appreciate the simple pleasures of vida, such as having an old lady but awesome notebook from which to write this and, most importantly, catch up with the series!
- Feedback Lynethe series from his convalescence. (This newspaper is not responsible for any ibuprofen-induced delirium and reserves the right to later deny any of his statements, arguing that it was because of a witch )
- Glee
Dude, so many things. Glee was one of the most awaited premieres this season, but although he tried to worship the new chapters ... like I did not quite feel that the season had begun.Only in the 2x04 I can say that I enjoyed (almost) everything.
summarize: In Audition I liked the new characters, and there were many such bizarre that I always loved Glee ("Everyone thought I went on vacation, but really I was lost in the sewers" Brittany, great! Idol !), but was pretty ... bleh. I had not really felt the impact first of the season should have, nothing caught my attention too. Rachel hated not like all the fandom seems to have done (to send Sunshine to the crack house, like it or not, was something quite in-character for Rachel, and those hijadeputadas are what I always liked the character XD) , but I had a general feeling that the whole evolutiontion of the characters from last season had been totally ruled out.
Brittany / Britney epic had its moments. I was so Woweada like all of Heather Morris (in addition to that, Siriusly, Brittany is still my favorite character this season) and for me the episode was that thing of "nostalgia effect" because I was one of those little girls of nine years dancing The Core of Britney in front of the TV and had TOO cds. And I wanted to be a singer, too, so I felt a little boys identified with Glee when talking about his childhood "Britneyzada"
(Btw, for those that know me and are now lying on the floor rolling with laughter to imagine two trenzitas and singing: STOP)LXC
all that fabric seemed very nice. But I always saw him, "dude, chill out, Finn does not have all the blame!" At least I know that if one day inadvertently came to my room and I found that someone voladitos filled, it would be very nice with that person, and that without taking into account the previous stalkeos Kurt already had quite nervous. That you were angry, and although I had not had the happiest choice of words, I was perfectly normal, and I always thought the way they treated had been greatly exaggerated. So I loved that Burt would have thought so and let you clear to Kurt that their attitudes had also been part of the problem, always being gentle and kindSupportive it is.
- The Kiss Brittanica! already beginning to think that this had been another spoilerosos rumors that they would not be fulfilled, and it was super to see the whole situation hilarious xD
- Sam being a dork and being good. Siriusly, I was quite surprised with what I saw in the pretty-Obvious! Shirtless! Fanservice! Apparel scene. I liked the "couple" they finally decided to put that out of all the people that could match it seemed the best option ... bleh. - The incredible voice of Mike Chang! Siriusly, how many awesome. I'm so glad you have decided to give more importance to this kid. -
Artie / Brittany. WTF? I know, unexpectedbecause last season I was always like this ... very cute and no. Just no.
-How I Met Your Mother:
- The 6x04 seemed the weakest, certainly, but I do not go into a tailspin this season as I read that the fandom was saying there. I do not know if it at this point is for the love I have for the characters, but all I see in this series still seems super fun and innovative, and I think 6 seasons later he is still very true to herself and her original idea . Also, approve of you are giving hints that the Barney / Robin coming back. I approve greatly.
- Merlin:
CHT MLXC OMG! The series has plot! Effects! Quote! The monsters do not look as if he had done in my Paint! Morgana has a scepter!
Muy.Fuerte.Todo. And the 2x05? CAMELOT MDGs soap opera !!!!! 1! The worst? Even after Uther drop the Bom-Bom-baaa, the Uther / Morgana and Arthur / Morgana are still as Canon. Why I do this, writers of Merlin? I had never shipped incest. EVER! Damn you, writers of Merlin, damn you. luckily, teh teh boys are still boys, shippeables more than ever \u0026lt;3
(And yes, in case you were wondering, I endorse much of what little screen time lately Gwen. Siriusly what makes this girl so that each male enters Camelot is set in it?It's not worth answering for his kindness and charming personality. Ssundaymorning has already proven that the world does not work.)
- Hellcats:
New acquisition sponsored by all of my time in bed. I started to see more of it without knowing that it was about cheerleaders, just because I was told that Gale Harold out sometime.
livianita super series is quite silly, but entertaining. At times it is a kind of Glee but dance / choreography, and is embedded in between these melodrama that are required in the series of universities, though thankfully never reach exaggerated levels to "The Best Years" (which nobody asked me why (?).
I'm pretty good now, and a half days after taking the pill giant nasty pointy and totally NOT designed to pass through a throat plate (seriusly, dudes, the lab people never get sick and you realize these things? ) but I will not deny that I'm a bit groggy and semi-solid diets are definitely not made for me. He had a couple of tests at school this week I'm going to have to lose (although it is well for Friday, I doubt find the will to get to study accounting) and recall alone is always pretty stressful, but, hey, let appreciate the simple pleasures of vida, such as having an old lady but awesome notebook from which to write this and, most importantly, catch up with the series!
- Feedback Lynethe series from his convalescence. (This newspaper is not responsible for any ibuprofen-induced delirium and reserves the right to later deny any of his statements, arguing that it was because of a witch )
- Glee
Dude, so many things. Glee was one of the most awaited premieres this season, but although he tried to worship the new chapters ... like I did not quite feel that the season had begun.Only in the 2x04 I can say that I enjoyed (almost) everything.
summarize: In Audition I liked the new characters, and there were many such bizarre that I always loved Glee ("Everyone thought I went on vacation, but really I was lost in the sewers" Brittany, great! Idol !), but was pretty ... bleh. I had not really felt the impact first of the season should have, nothing caught my attention too. Rachel hated not like all the fandom seems to have done (to send Sunshine to the crack house, like it or not, was something quite in-character for Rachel, and those hijadeputadas are what I always liked the character XD) , but I had a general feeling that the whole evolutiontion of the characters from last season had been totally ruled out.
Brittany / Britney epic had its moments. I was so Woweada like all of Heather Morris (in addition to that, Siriusly, Brittany is still my favorite character this season) and for me the episode was that thing of "nostalgia effect" because I was one of those little girls of nine years dancing The Core of Britney in front of the TV and had TOO cds. And I wanted to be a singer, too, so I felt a little boys identified with Glee when talking about his childhood "Britneyzada"
(Btw, for those that know me and are now lying on the floor rolling with laughter to imagine two trenzitas and singing: STOP)LXC
all that fabric seemed very nice. But I always saw him, "dude, chill out, Finn does not have all the blame!" At least I know that if one day inadvertently came to my room and I found that someone voladitos filled, it would be very nice with that person, and that without taking into account the previous stalkeos Kurt already had quite nervous. That you were angry, and although I had not had the happiest choice of words, I was perfectly normal, and I always thought the way they treated had been greatly exaggerated. So I loved that Burt would have thought so and let you clear to Kurt that their attitudes had also been part of the problem, always being gentle and kindSupportive it is.
- The Kiss Brittanica! already beginning to think that this had been another spoilerosos rumors that they would not be fulfilled, and it was super to see the whole situation hilarious xD
- Sam being a dork and being good. Siriusly, I was quite surprised with what I saw in the pretty-Obvious! Shirtless! Fanservice! Apparel scene. I liked the "couple" they finally decided to put that out of all the people that could match it seemed the best option ... bleh. - The incredible voice of Mike Chang! Siriusly, how many awesome. I'm so glad you have decided to give more importance to this kid. -
Artie / Brittany. WTF? I know, unexpectedbecause last season I was always like this ... very cute and no. Just no.
-How I Met Your Mother:
- The 6x04 seemed the weakest, certainly, but I do not go into a tailspin this season as I read that the fandom was saying there. I do not know if it at this point is for the love I have for the characters, but all I see in this series still seems super fun and innovative, and I think 6 seasons later he is still very true to herself and her original idea . Also, approve of you are giving hints that the Barney / Robin coming back. I approve greatly.
- Merlin:
CHT MLXC OMG! The series has plot! Effects! Quote! The monsters do not look as if he had done in my Paint! Morgana has a scepter!
Muy.Fuerte.Todo. And the 2x05? CAMELOT MDGs soap opera !!!!! 1! The worst? Even after Uther drop the Bom-Bom-baaa, the Uther / Morgana and Arthur / Morgana are still as Canon. Why I do this, writers of Merlin? I had never shipped incest. EVER! Damn you, writers of Merlin, damn you. luckily, teh teh boys are still boys, shippeables more than ever \u0026lt;3
(And yes, in case you were wondering, I endorse much of what little screen time lately Gwen. Siriusly what makes this girl so that each male enters Camelot is set in it?It's not worth answering for his kindness and charming personality. Ssundaymorning has already proven that the world does not work.)
- Hellcats:
New acquisition sponsored by all of my time in bed. I started to see more of it without knowing that it was about cheerleaders, just because I was told that Gale Harold out sometime.
livianita super series is quite silly, but entertaining. At times it is a kind of Glee but dance / choreography, and is embedded in between these melodrama that are required in the series of universities, though thankfully never reach exaggerated levels to "The Best Years" (which nobody asked me why (?).
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Hiv Condition_symptoms She was not dead, was parrandaaaaaaa (8)
Ngun of their journals, I read everything I have been writing ... ALL. They can not hide anything from me, fandom (?).
But finally, after a KDD with pears
from which I could barely sleep two hours choppy (self WTF?), I really do not give my brain more than to make my as delayed entry back to LJ. So. .. Hi. Here's a picture of a cat with broken leg historical.
Sad huh?
I will come back (when you have settled down a bit more) to talk a little about what my life was in these weeks and discuss some of those shows that our life has become thanks to Merlin. For now, I leave you with a ped
But finally, after a KDD with pears
from which I could barely sleep two hours choppy (self WTF?), I really do not give my brain more than to make my as delayed entry back to LJ. So. .. Hi. Here's a picture of a cat with broken leg historical.
Sad huh?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Wiring Diagram Pet Containment Happy birthday, noy-so-little wizard
Quick posting before leaving my house
"Everyone already knows what date was yesterday, right? Well, in honor of these events, is celebrating
harrython , for which I published yesterday a Drabble
eternajuventud (my community of writings, for which not be added). Today I (so in a hurry) a little fanart I did for the challenge # 4: "Ginny lied hacerca tattoo YES" . It is still a draft (if I put a painting did not reach the deadline or there), but I really liked the idea and went with many wanting to share. Please follow the cut
"Everyone already knows what date was yesterday, right? Well, in honor of these events, is celebrating
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Electric Wheelchair Wiring Diagram It came time to cathedraleeeees
* Dust *
Why holidays are bad for me to upgrade? * Ignores *
Anyway, as my RL has been pretty uneventful lately, we go directly to the fandom life. More presisamente, a release that has me pretty Squee:
New Starz miniseries, adapted from the book of the same name who happens to read (and loved ♥) this summer. Behind the cut, brief comments of the first two chapters
- Well, as I saw them one after the other possessive, too busy screaming to pay attention to details, this will not be separated either by chapter or logically: P Just a bunch of odds and ends of what seemed like the seriesOverview:
- Transposition: I was a little scared. For one thing, because from the beginning of the book until the final pass muuuuuuchos years, and many of the characters go from being very young to seniors, on the other, by the number of main characters and things that happen in all different scenarios of the book, all that plus the fact that I read the book fairly recently, and I have pretty cool the vast majority of events. However, I can say I am very pleased and took things, at least in these two chapters.
do not know how it is to see the miniseries from the perspective of someone who did not read the books, but I think we have achieved a good way round it all, skipping parts that were lHindu in the book but that the series would have been half pointless (like everything in the monastery of St. John in the Forest, and simplify making Eightpence is the thief) and digging deeper in others, as in all the personal drama of Maud (I loved every one of her scenes, and the whole plot of the conspiracy ♥). On the growth of the characters, I think they did see them directly as teenagers, did not strike me as much as I thought it would at first and, taking into account that we only have 8 hours to know the characters, now I think it was a wise decision:)
- Brief comment on the cast:
End of comment.
CNeedless to say, I highly recommend the mini-series, and have read the book or not. At least for these first two chapters I can say it is worth it.
And here is over, people. Short post is short, but I have to go to bed and if tomorrow I wake up "early" to go to the cinema (to see
Inception, the desire that I have are terrible!). So good night, f-list, lynethe farewell to go to bed reading ASOIAF
hang until 4 am
have well deserved rest. See you later!
Why holidays are bad for me to upgrade? * Ignores *
Anyway, as my RL has been pretty uneventful lately, we go directly to the fandom life. More presisamente, a release that has me pretty Squee:

New Starz miniseries, adapted from the book of the same name who happens to read (and loved ♥) this summer. Behind the cut, brief comments of the first two chapters
- Well, as I saw them one after the other possessive, too busy screaming to pay attention to details, this will not be separated either by chapter or logically: P Just a bunch of odds and ends of what seemed like the seriesOverview:
- Transposition: I was a little scared. For one thing, because from the beginning of the book until the final pass muuuuuuchos years, and many of the characters go from being very young to seniors, on the other, by the number of main characters and things that happen in all different scenarios of the book, all that plus the fact that I read the book fairly recently, and I have pretty cool the vast majority of events. However, I can say I am very pleased and took things, at least in these two chapters.
do not know how it is to see the miniseries from the perspective of someone who did not read the books, but I think we have achieved a good way round it all, skipping parts that were lHindu in the book but that the series would have been half pointless (like everything in the monastery of St. John in the Forest, and simplify making Eightpence is the thief) and digging deeper in others, as in all the personal drama of Maud (I loved every one of her scenes, and the whole plot of the conspiracy ♥). On the growth of the characters, I think they did see them directly as teenagers, did not strike me as much as I thought it would at first and, taking into account that we only have 8 hours to know the characters, now I think it was a wise decision:)
- Brief comment on the cast:
End of comment.
CNeedless to say, I highly recommend the mini-series, and have read the book or not. At least for these first two chapters I can say it is worth it.
And here is over, people. Short post is short, but I have to go to bed and if tomorrow I wake up "early" to go to the cinema (to see
Inception, the desire that I have are terrible!). So good night, f-list, lynethe farewell to go to bed reading ASOIAF
hang until 4 am
have well deserved rest. See you later!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Shifter Knob Blue Prints
XC perfectly normal. I mean those who are still a step further , forgetting that, at the end of the day, and MUCH more that we work in lobotomized to believe otherwise, "the books are just books, the series only series, and movies only movies. ... for example, our subjects of study today, belong to a fandom so massive that a
is home to many geeks geeks, but he could never be sure exactly how
. I'm talking about fans of http://www.harrypotterforseekers.com . What is this, you ask? Then you are free to enter and investigate the link for yourself or give it directly to the LJ-cut for quand I explain it to you in this new edition deeee ...
Para aquellos de ustedes a) no tan duchos con el inglés o b) no dispuestos a tragarse el choclo que soltó nuestro amigo Sean aquí arriba, aunch the PoL. Of course. I Have Explained Through The Years That Hagrid is a Bodhisattva Who Has Chosen to come back to help people find the Path of Liberation. Instead of "going on" (as Dumbledore puts it), Hagrid is "punish" (by His own heart) and is Forced to become "Keeper of the Keys" to help the Harry Potters of this world find and defeat Their Own Hogwarts Voldemorts .
Personally, at this point I left my reading of this particular article, and ran straight to the section
Welcome to try to explain where the hell I had gotten. This section, headed by the title of "Great Conspiracy" is simply pure gold.
All the characters are symbols or personifications of aspects of the process, symbolically called, \r Prayer Holy Potter of the universe,
who are in Heaven,
Hallowed be your Patronus.
May the Lily in my heart
give birth to Harry.
I surrender my wand to you
that I may use it only in conformity to your will. Feed and sustain my inner Harry Potter, So that he may kill the basilisk living at the root of my being when I have learned to forgive
all the wrongs done me by others.
Send your Phoenix when I am
Dedicated to JK Rowling
I KNOW, RIGHT? Es un poco como \this road to know that brings joy and happiness complete.
is home to many geeks geeks, but he could never be sure exactly how
. I'm talking about fans of http://www.harrypotterforseekers.com . What is this, you ask? Then you are free to enter and investigate the link for yourself or give it directly to the LJ-cut for quand I explain it to you in this new edition deeee ...
No. Unlike what it may seem, I did not get to this page looking for "esoteric meanings HP "by google (because that leads to this page in which we are told that Harry is the antichrist. Well, DUH). No, I just wanted a couple of reference imégnees to make a fanart, when one in particular (Quirrell) redirected me to this site, which has a little flower of header and I never had noticed if they had not jumped my view the words Path of Liberationth of Liberation, wouldn't I be helping myself more than others? I am wondering if it would be more prudent to go the way of Hagrid, to help the others reach Liberation first? I know that sounds crazy because I am not far down the path at all really, but I believe, and please don't think I am being arrogant, that with great power comes great responsibility
. If I don't help the suffering of the world, how do I know someone else will? I am willing to abandon any hope of liberation if I could at least put a stop to all of this suffering, this madness that we call our world. Am I going about it the right way? Para aquellos de ustedes a) no tan duchos con el inglés o b) no dispuestos a tragarse el choclo que soltó nuestro amigo Sean aquí arriba, aunch the PoL. Of course. I Have Explained Through The Years That Hagrid is a Bodhisattva Who Has Chosen to come back to help people find the Path of Liberation. Instead of "going on" (as Dumbledore puts it), Hagrid is "punish" (by His own heart) and is Forced to become "Keeper of the Keys" to help the Harry Potters of this world find and defeat Their Own Hogwarts Voldemorts .
Personally, at this point I left my reading of this particular article, and ran straight to the section
Welcome to try to explain where the hell I had gotten. This section, headed by the title of "Great Conspiracy" is simply pure gold.
What is Harry Potter really about?Albus Severus
The aim of Harry Potter is to show how death can be vanquished; how an ordinary mortal human being can enter a process of transmutation and transfiguration that will alchemically transform him or her into an eternal, perfect child of God, filled with overwhelming compassion for suffering humanity.
¿Compasión exagerada por la humanidad en sufrimiento? Diganle eso al pobre, eternamente burlado,
All the characters are symbols or personifications of aspects of the process, symbolically called, \r Prayer Holy Potter of the universe,
who are in Heaven,
Hallowed be your Patronus.
May the Lily in my heart
give birth to Harry.
I surrender my wand to you
that I may use it only in conformity to your will. Feed and sustain my inner Harry Potter, So that he may kill the basilisk living at the root of my being when I have learned to forgive
all the wrongs done me by others.
Send your Phoenix when I am
tempted, and deliver mefrom the Voldemort in me.
Dedicated to JK Rowling
I KNOW, RIGHT? Es un poco como \this road to know that brings joy and happiness complete.
After that, Hans goes on to explain a little personal experience with books, as recognized by PoL them instantly and how excited to recognize the symbols of a book called "Alchemical Wedding" in them. Mind that Harry actually symbolizes the New Soul, aimed at bringing the Prodigal Son to the Great Powers (or something), and then passes accommodate the rest of the argument for this to be "felt" deep subtecto to analyze the supports his theory:Harry, as the New Alma born in the heart (Godric's Hollow), Hermione is the New Mind. Ron is the terrestrial personality must be prepared
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Confidentialty Clause In Emailing

(image stolen from
I'm late for reasons of force majeure, but I can not record (as did the rest of my fellow (?)) Of how happy I was when today morning my mother was showing me the cover of the newspaper that, yes, very clearly said: APPROVED EQUAL MARRIAGE LAW.
(If we are sincere, my happiness came with a little delay, because at nine o'clock, just fucked up and cold, I have taken half an hour to understand what my mother was shaking me a newspaper in face. But come, came:))
I think it's important to know qMLXC The issue today, we took a step forward: it will be like, but a step.
The issue is that gays, lesbians, trans and families do not exist
why should not have the same rights as you, me, your mother and your neighbor. I am very happy to say that in my college course, very heterogeneous, with children of different religions and upbringings, social backgrounds and political ideas of the most disparate, there was no one who was against the law. Not everyone has family / friends / acquaintances gay, and I know several families are speaking out against it, but today was unanimous agreement
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Waechtersbach Dinnerware London
Hey there, PIPOL. Here lynethe, appearing after a short Hiatus elejotero caused by the fatal combination of exit exams + new expansion of Sims 3. Yeah. I'm dorky that way.
As we are all hyper for the championship, and I feel great (and greatly like to congratulate all the English of the f-list: D) I do not think cutting the celebration and to bore anyone with my posts LF entries. So, bullet points:
* More than half of the sixth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer view. I think since I started the series I was hoping to reach "Once more with feeling" (I'm a freak of music, if you have not been realized todavía), and now I saw him I have no reservations to say that was TOTALLY AWESOME. TAN TAN crack freak and yet so important plot-wise ... I was very surprised that basically each strain of the plot came to light in this chapter. And awesome songs are awesome xD I loved Tabula Rasa
too, btw, even after the season comes to me doing something weird. Finally, know that upon termination of these words continue my obsessive viewing.
* finished all my exams of the semester * * colored paper strip and passed quite peacefully:). I am more than happy to finally be on vacation, and the number of things completely unproductive I can think to do with my free time I have quite encouragingda.
* But my throat hurts. Fuck you, cold.
* And I'm half zombie, after the house KDD
anttimonium with
vrydeus ,
inefable_hd ,
theburroowx ,
phantasiasuiris , fresh after his descent into hell be stuck for weeks between the books and, for part of the night at least
phoenixgfawkes and
terry_evy_moon . Any inconsistency in this post (and yes, that is so short and random) is their fault. I said.
* I can not believe I did not mention anything about the trailer / poster / news about the cast of HP7. In short: loved.it.to.pieces. And yes, I'm also a pottérica nostalgia that is neither normal medium, which brings me to the promotional part of my "post promotional"
harryawards I find it quite original.I particularly do not know if I have inspiration to write something about this topic, but I have really wanted to see what participants will do:)
This particular did not see on any side in my f-list , and learned only
comment phantasiasuiris . This is a marathon of work on Harry, based on management challenges published. I found it very interesting, and if the muse does not think more bitch than usual, this turns me on insurance.
* I have wanted to draw. Lyn
* out *
As we are all hyper for the championship, and I feel great (and greatly like to congratulate all the English of the f-list: D) I do not think cutting the celebration and to bore anyone with my posts LF entries. So, bullet points:
* More than half of the sixth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer view. I think since I started the series I was hoping to reach "Once more with feeling" (I'm a freak of music, if you have not been realized todavía), and now I saw him I have no reservations to say that was TOTALLY AWESOME. TAN TAN crack freak and yet so important plot-wise ... I was very surprised that basically each strain of the plot came to light in this chapter. And awesome songs are awesome xD I loved Tabula Rasa
too, btw, even after the season comes to me doing something weird. Finally, know that upon termination of these words continue my obsessive viewing.
* finished all my exams of the semester * * colored paper strip and passed quite peacefully:). I am more than happy to finally be on vacation, and the number of things completely unproductive
* But my throat hurts. Fuck you, cold.
* And I'm half zombie, after the house KDD
* I can not believe I did not mention anything about the trailer / poster / news about the cast of HP7. In short: loved.it.to.pieces. And yes, I'm also a pottérica nostalgia that is neither normal medium, which brings me to the promotional part of my "post promotional"
This particular did not see on any side in my f-list , and learned only
* I have wanted to draw. Lyn
* out *
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sayings On Wedding Programs
---- ture most likely is that to not happen the same hardships that like most parents want, maybe try to cover up lack of affection with gifts and other things and while not a perfect parent and still I do not understand the meaning of life, extrañoe even stranger when I challenged him, maybe this is not the best gift that I can do or the cutest or the most expensive but you do your child.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
226 Old Beach Road , Ocracoke Island,map
When I remember the significant moments of my life, I can only remember four or, at most, five. I do not know because I can only remember four, but that is regular.
The first time I can remember is when my parents and my siblings and I went to Disney Land in Los Angeles. I only had 5 years or less. I can only remember this because I hurt my leg a lot, but it was the best vacation of my childhood. My favorite attraction was the Dumbo ride . Sure, I can not ride that because I'm so great, but I think there's a ride that has space vehicles.
The second memory means I have is from when I was expelled from my school pirst. I do not do anything to get this action, but that is life. I think this time is so mean because no one think that I was innocent. For the rest of my life, I think I or anyone I can not hear me. Sometimes I think my parents may not believe me now.
The third and most influential event was when my family and I moved to Santa Cruz to San Jose. Ocurio real change when I started school in San Lorenzo Valley. I did not like San Jose, then the move to the mountains of Santa Cruz was pleased. Sometimes, I miss my friends and my life in San Jose, but I think that if I lived in San Jose for many years to come, was to be a person less intelligent chevere today. No Quiero say that the people who lived in San Jose are not good people, just think the place but it was not good for me.
The more good memory was in February, two thousand nine. It rained a lot and I was with my sister, my best friend and boyfriend. We were walking to my house and Davey and my sister were in front of me and my boyfriend and we shared a hug and a kiss is still wet and I compare all of my experiences with it. It was perfect. But the Amorite and I did not then we are done.
And finally, the moment that I hate a lot, they were when I love my girlfriend ended our relationship a lot. I completely broke. I could not talk without crying for one is
The first time I can remember is when my parents and my siblings and I went to Disney Land in Los Angeles. I only had 5 years or less. I can only remember this because I hurt my leg a lot, but it was the best vacation of my childhood. My favorite attraction was the Dumbo ride . Sure, I can not ride that because I'm so great, but I think there's a ride that has space vehicles.
The second memory means I have is from when I was expelled from my school pirst. I do not do anything to get this action, but that is life. I think this time is so mean because no one think that I was innocent. For the rest of my life, I think I or anyone I can not hear me. Sometimes I think my parents may not believe me now.
The third and most influential event was when my family and I moved to Santa Cruz to San Jose. Ocurio real change when I started school in San Lorenzo Valley. I did not like San Jose, then the move to the mountains of Santa Cruz was pleased. Sometimes, I miss my friends and my life in San Jose, but I think that if I lived in San Jose for many years to come, was to be a person less intelligent chevere today. No Quiero say that the people who lived in San Jose are not good people, just think the place but it was not good for me.
The more good memory was in February, two thousand nine. It rained a lot and I was with my sister, my best friend and boyfriend. We were walking to my house and Davey and my sister were in front of me and my boyfriend and we shared a hug and a kiss is still wet and I compare all of my experiences with it. It was perfect. But the Amorite and I did not then we are done.
And finally, the moment that I hate a lot, they were when I love my girlfriend ended our relationship a lot. I completely broke. I could not talk without crying for one is
Monday, January 25, 2010
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