is home to many geeks geeks, but he could never be sure exactly how
. I'm talking about fans of . What is this, you ask? Then you are free to enter and investigate the link for yourself or give it directly to the LJ-cut for quand I explain it to you in this new edition deeee ...
No. Unlike what it may seem, I did not get to this page looking for "esoteric meanings HP "by google (because that leads to this page in which we are told that Harry is the antichrist. Well, DUH). No, I just wanted a couple of reference imégnees to make a fanart, when one in particular (Quirrell) redirected me to this site, which has a little flower of header and I never had noticed if they had not jumped my view the words Path of Liberationth of Liberation, wouldn't I be helping myself more than others? I am wondering if it would be more prudent to go the way of Hagrid, to help the others reach Liberation first? I know that sounds crazy because I am not far down the path at all really, but I believe, and please don't think I am being arrogant, that with great power comes great responsibility
. If I don't help the suffering of the world, how do I know someone else will? I am willing to abandon any hope of liberation if I could at least put a stop to all of this suffering, this madness that we call our world. Am I going about it the right way? Para aquellos de ustedes a) no tan duchos con el inglés o b) no dispuestos a tragarse el choclo que soltó nuestro amigo Sean aquí arriba, aunch the PoL. Of course. I Have Explained Through The Years That Hagrid is a Bodhisattva Who Has Chosen to come back to help people find the Path of Liberation. Instead of "going on" (as Dumbledore puts it), Hagrid is "punish" (by His own heart) and is Forced to become "Keeper of the Keys" to help the Harry Potters of this world find and defeat Their Own Hogwarts Voldemorts .
Personally, at this point I left my reading of this particular article, and ran straight to the section
Welcome to try to explain where the hell I had gotten. This section, headed by the title of "Great Conspiracy" is simply pure gold.
What is Harry Potter really about?Albus Severus
The aim of Harry Potter is to show how death can be vanquished; how an ordinary mortal human being can enter a process of transmutation and transfiguration that will alchemically transform him or her into an eternal, perfect child of God, filled with overwhelming compassion for suffering humanity.
¿Compasión exagerada por la humanidad en sufrimiento? Diganle eso al pobre, eternamente burlado,
All the characters are symbols or personifications of aspects of the process, symbolically called, \r Prayer Holy Potter of the universe,
who are in Heaven,
Hallowed be your Patronus.
May the Lily in my heart
give birth to Harry.
I surrender my wand to you
that I may use it only in conformity to your will. Feed and sustain my inner Harry Potter, So that he may kill the basilisk living at the root of my being when I have learned to forgive
all the wrongs done me by others.
Send your Phoenix when I am
tempted, and deliver mefrom the Voldemort in me.
Dedicated to JK Rowling
I KNOW, RIGHT? Es un poco como \this road to know that brings joy and happiness complete.
After that, Hans goes on to explain a little personal experience with books, as recognized by PoL them instantly and how excited to recognize the symbols of a book called "Alchemical Wedding" in them. Mind that Harry actually symbolizes the New Soul, aimed at bringing the Prodigal Son to the Great Powers (or something), and then passes accommodate the rest of the argument for this to be "felt" deep subtecto to analyze the supports his theory:Harry, as the New Alma born in the heart (Godric's Hollow), Hermione is the New Mind. Ron is the terrestrial personality must be prepared
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