Sunday, July 11, 2010

Waechtersbach Dinnerware London

Hey there, PIPOL. Here lynethe, appearing after a short Hiatus elejotero caused by the fatal combination of exit exams + new expansion of Sims 3. Yeah. I'm dorky that way.

As we are all hyper for the championship, and I feel great (and greatly like to congratulate all the English of the f-list: D) I do not think cutting the celebration and to bore anyone with my posts LF entries. So, bullet points:

* More than half of the sixth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer view. I think since I started the series I was hoping to reach "Once more with feeling" (I'm a freak of music, if you have not been realized todavía), and now I saw him I have no reservations to say that was TOTALLY AWESOME. TAN TAN crack freak and yet so important plot-wise ... I was very surprised that basically each strain of the plot came to light in this chapter. And awesome songs are awesome xD I loved Tabula Rasa
too, btw, even after the season comes to me doing something weird. Finally, know that upon termination of these words continue my obsessive viewing.

* finished all my exams of the semester * * colored paper strip and passed quite peacefully:). I am more than happy to finally be on vacation, and the number of things completely unproductive I can think to do with my free time I have quite encouragingda.

* But my throat hurts. Fuck you, cold.

* And I'm half zombie, after the house KDD [info] anttimonium with [info] vrydeus , [info] inefable_hd , [info] theburroowx , [info] phantasiasuiris , fresh after his descent into hell be stuck for weeks between the books and, for part of the night at least [info] phoenixgfawkes and [info] terry_evy_moon . Any inconsistency in this post (and yes, that is so short and random) is their fault. I said.

* I can not believe I did not mention anything about the trailer / poster / news about the cast of HP7. In short: And yes, I'm also a pottérica nostalgia that is neither normal medium, which brings me to the promotional part of my "post promotional"

Draft [info] harryawards I find it quite original.I particularly do not know if I have inspiration to write something about this topic, but I have really wanted to see what participants will do:)

This particular did not see on any side in my f-list , and learned only [info] comment phantasiasuiris . This is a marathon of work on Harry, based on management challenges published. I found it very interesting, and if the muse does not think more bitch than usual, this turns me on insurance.

* I have wanted to draw. Lyn

* out *


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