Why holidays are bad for me to upgrade? * Ignores *
Anyway, as my RL has been pretty uneventful lately, we go directly to the fandom life. More presisamente, a release that has me pretty Squee:

New Starz miniseries, adapted from the book of the same name who happens to read (and loved ♥) this summer. Behind the cut, brief comments of the first two chapters
- Well, as I saw them one after the other possessive, too busy screaming to pay attention to details, this will not be separated either by chapter or logically: P Just a bunch of odds and ends of what seemed like the seriesOverview:
- Transposition: I was a little scared. For one thing, because from the beginning of the book until the final pass muuuuuuchos years, and many of the characters go from being very young to seniors, on the other, by the number of main characters and things that happen in all different scenarios of the book, all that plus the fact that I read the book fairly recently, and I have pretty cool the vast majority of events. However, I can say I am very pleased and took things, at least in these two chapters.
do not know how it is to see the miniseries from the perspective of someone who did not read the books, but I think we have achieved a good way round it all, skipping parts that were lHindu in the book but that the series would have been half pointless (like everything in the monastery of St. John in the Forest, and simplify making Eightpence is the thief) and digging deeper in others, as in all the personal drama of Maud (I loved every one of her scenes, and the whole plot of the conspiracy ♥). On the growth of the characters, I think they did see them directly as teenagers, did not strike me as much as I thought it would at first and, taking into account that we only have 8 hours to know the characters, now I think it was a wise decision:)
- Brief comment on the cast:
End of comment.
CNeedless to say, I highly recommend the mini-series, and have read the book or not. At least for these first two chapters I can say it is worth it.
And here is over, people. Short post is short, but I have to go to bed and if tomorrow I wake up "early" to go to the cinema (to see
Inception, the desire that I have are terrible!). So good night, f-list, lynethe farewell to go to bed reading ASOIAF
hang until 4 am
have well deserved rest. See you later!